Run away from the kiss!

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Sorry I haven't posted daily! It's just been a tough week but here I am! I really want to thank everyone who is still reading the book, it means a lot to me!
I promise to try and post updates more often but lately I've been having some trouble finding ideas.  But enough with the explanations, let's get to the story!

Maddison's POV

Well yes, I am poor, so what? There's nothing wrong with it, it's not like I wanted to be poor.

I'm really annoyed that Marshall complained about the fact I gave all my food to Will.

He needs it more than I do! And if he seriously thinks this is the first time I haven't eaten then he is delusional.

But I like my life. It isn't the best, yes, but I'm doing what I can to make it better. I work hard to be independent, I study hard too, I'm first in each and every class.

I'll get out of this hole and I'll help out as many people as I can.

"I would offer you something to drink but I don't have anything. I could offer you water but if you haven't lived here long enough for you stomach to get used to the water you might end up in the ER" I say smiling

"How about I take you to dinner?" Eminem asks

"Thank you but I think you've done more than enough. You paid for the hospital and that's more than I could have ever asked. Plus I'm sure I've taken a lot of your time and I don't want to bother you anymore" I say while looking to the ground

"Please, accept my invite. I promise that after that I'll get out of your way" he says while smirking

I have to smile to. He's smile is just contagious and he is really hot.

"Okay" I half whisper

"Come on then!" he says while giving me his arm

Alrighty then! I grab my bag pack since I don't have a purse and grab his arm. Damn he works out!

The ride to the restaurant is quiet. We finally arrive in front of a really fancy restaurant. No way I'm getting in there.

"Hum, this is kind of too fancy for me" I tell Eminem

"Well it's the only good restaurant I know close by" he explains while shrugging

"Then you don't know the good food around here" I say while grinning

I grab his arm and tug him to follow me.

After about ten minutes of walking we arrive to a really good Mexican restaurant.

"You wanna eat here?" he says while frowning

"Okay it's not because it's not as fancy looking as the other restaurant that it isn't good. As a matter of fact I think it's better" I say while pushing him inside of the restaurant

I order for him because one he doesn't speak Spanish and two he has no idea what to order.

Rich people not knowing how to order a freaking taco!

I wanted to pay but he forced me to put my purse back into my backpack. When I mean forced me, he pushed me out of the way before I could hand my money to the waitress. Did I mention he has a nice ass?

We seat down and he takes a slow bite, like the taco was going to suddenly slap him.

"Just take a bite already!" I say already half way through my first taco

He rolls his eyes but still takes a bite. He chews and his eyes widen. Okay so either he hates it or loves it.

"This is fucking delicious!" he exclaims while taking another bite

I smile a triumphant grin and add "Told you!"

We eat and joke around. Somehow it's really easy to be around him.

When we are done I insist into walking to my apartment since it's only a 20 minutes walk.

Again we talk about everything and nothing. But I know soon comes the awkward silence.

I called it! As soon as we stop in front of my apartment we both quiet down.

"So" I say

"So" he repeats

"Right well hum, I'll just go. Again thank you so much for everything you've done. I'll always be in debt with you" with that I wave and start opening the front door

"Wait" he says while grabbing my wrist

I turn around and he looks at me. Suddenly his lips are on mine.

Talk about going in for the kill!

At first I don't answer since I'm so surprise but I slowly melt into the kiss. His lips feel right on mine and I just let it happen even though I know nothing could really happen between us.

He grabs my waist and pulls me to him. I put both of my hands behind his neck and deepen the kiss.

We break the kiss, both breathless, and I bolt up to my apartment.

Way to go Maddison!

I close the door and lean against it. My ribs still hurt but I ignore the pain. Why did I do that?! 

Stupid, stupid!

I don't have the energy to change into pajamas and I just lay in my bed.

I always ruin everything. Always.

Sorry guys it's not as long as always! I don't want to continue this chapter right now because it wouldn't be as good as the others.
I apologize if the chapter isn't as good but I'll promise I'll update another soon and it will be better! :)

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