21 - Osculate*

213 9 5

Word Count: 4220

"Shut up!" Val screamed into her reciever, making me pull the phone away from my ear for a moment.

"I'm serious! We were out at the park and he got down on one knee and,-"

"He got down on one knee! Abby, shut the fuck up!"

"And he asked me if I would go to England with him for Christmas." I continued, as if she never interrupted me in the first place.

I still had two days until Harry and I had a 7 and a half hour flight overseas, but I started packing today. We were going to be there for 6 days. 

Holy shit, I was going to England for 6 days!

"And you said yes?" I nod, before remembering she couldn't actually see me, and answered her. 

"I'm so freaking excited, but at the same time I'm nervous as hell." I sigh, relaxing on my bed for a moment. So much could go wrong, but honestly, this could be the best Christmas ever.

"I'd be too, but don't worry about it. Did you tell your parents?" 

"Um yeah, I talked to my Mom this morning. She thinks it's just like a solo trip thing like what Jackson did though." I sigh again, covering my eyes with my free arm. 

I don't know why I felt the need to lie to my Mom, she was fine with my heading to England so unexpectedly, she even put some extra spending money in my bank account and asked me to bring her 'something english and pretty' back. 

I guess I just didn't want to mention that I'd be staying with Harry's family?

I kind of hope Jason tells everyone while I'm across the ocean, that way I wouldn't have to deal with the wrath of my family once news spreads that we broke up in August. 

It was ridiculous how long we had waited to tell. 

"Hey Val?"

"Um, yeah," it sounded like she stopped working on something difficult, her breathing was heavy all of a sudden.

"Did Jason tell his parents about the breakup?" She was silent for a good minute. I was about to ask if she was still there, when she finally responded. 

"No, um not yet." I was kind of surprised, but at the same time not at all. 

He was the kind of guy to tell his parents everything, but then that would mean he would have to tell them he cheated on me. He wouldn't be their little 'golden' boy anymore. 

"Do you mind, kind of like hinting at him to tell them this weekend? I can't pretend anymore whenever I'm around family."

"Abby, why don't you just tell your parents?"

"I'd rather not explain to my parents that I broke up with my boyfriend because he cheated on me one night because I didn't say I love you back and didn't sleep with him. Yeah, no thanks." I said, frustrated with how the conversation turned, even though it was my fault really.

I hear a knock at my door, giving me the perfect excuse to end the call.

"I'll talk to you later Val, someone's knocking at my door."

"I bet it's your secret lov-" I hang up, laughing lightly after I cut her off. 

Hopping of my bed, I rush down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet twice before I swung open the door.

"Hey!" I look up, out of breath to see my lovely neighbor, Harry Styles. 

"Hi. Gem was wondering what size dress you wear?" He asks, reading something off his phone. 

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