Chappie 2:

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As i woke i couldn'thelp but feel drowsy. The feeling in my stomache unsettles me. I try to sit up but then i realize where i am. I am bound up and gagged in a trunk. I start to freak out trying to get out. Nothing is going to get me out of here but my takers. As i lay here i try to remember the events of what happened. All i can remember is the house owner's sly smile and then everything going black. I try to move a little more and get out of my ties but nothing is helping. My squirming would just make the ropes tighter. As i stop trying i feel the vehicle slow down until we are at a full stop. I could hear the car doors opening and closing, the men coming to get me. As he opens the trunk i couldn't help the tears that sprung to my eyes but i don't let them fall. I coudn't believe my eyes.. So i said what i thought could help answer all my question.

"Is that really you...."

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