chappie 5:

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That is what leads up to where I am now. After they said those words they unchained me from my shackles. After being unchained they gagged me and carried me to the basement. Once there they threw me on the cold concrete ground and left. When I got a chance to look around I see a thin foam with a dingy looking blanket in the corner. On the other wall was a sink and a toilet. Above the bed there was a small little window with bars going across the glass so I couldn’t escape. Lastly I saw was the door that they threw me in. As I take a close look at it they have 3 padlocks and 2 deadbolts. Less than last time. I guess they think I am getting weaker how wrong they are. They think I am going to be some cowardly girl sitting here in fear. Here’s something about me they don’t know. Fear doesn’t shut me down; it wakes me up. So here I sit on this foam waiting for them to throw me their best. 

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