Chappie 6:

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I jolt awake to the sound of gunfire. I bolt out of bed only for the door to burst open and to see the men who took me here. They are looking around for me with a crazy look in their eyes. When they do spot me one shouts at me 

“This is your fault! Since you’ve been here we’ve been getting noticed and now that you have been missing for 7 months people have been getting suspicious of us! Now get out of here. We want you gone we made a place of safety for you. Go out the back door and head out to the shed. There will be somebody waiting there for you!” 

After hearing those words I ran. I ran as fast as I possibly could. I ran through the house and found the back door and ran to the shed! Once I got there I seen a man in there. Just not the one I wanted to see. 

“You really think you could escape?” he asked “You thought it would be that easy? That you could just walk out? You know who I am, so for that you will not leave here alive. I hope you said your final good-bye” 

After he said that he looked at me with a sly smirk forming on his face. With that he raised the gun and shot. I could feel the pain going through my body coursing through all my bones. I could feel the blood oozing out if my chest, as I look up at him I couldn’t help but think how is despicable man my father? With that final thought everything around me turned black. 

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