Chappie 3:

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Now here i am chained to the ground. Laying here thinking of a way to escape but i can't think of any. They have many deadbolts on the door. I am trapped. As i am lost in thoughti almost missed the sounds of the deadbolts and the door creaking open. Almost. But i did i heard the door open and then i see a figure slip in. Now what, i wonder. Before i could trail off my thoughts and questions any further i heard him start to ask me questions.

"Do you know why you're here?"

"No!" i shouted.

"I think you should rethink your answer and tell me the truth!" With that statement i felt a sting on my cheek and a pain in my ribs. He just slapped and kicked me. I think this time before I answer and when i do answer truthfully he doesn'y like what he hears.

"No I dont know why i'm here. Is it because you are a twisted man that likes to screw up my family? Is it because you know nothing more than torture? Is it because of what happened in your past? Is it-" I got cut off by a painful smack across the face sucesfully cutting me off in mid sentence. 

"Now you listen and you listen closely," he roared in anger "you will not use that type of tone with me! I thought your mommy dearest would have raised you better. Is is after all her fault!"

Once he said thati started to zone out on what he was saying and think of what my mom would have to do with any of this. She was such an innocent lady. She went to church every sunday, helped in the community homeless shelter, volunteered at the soup kitchen. The only bad thing she's done in her life was steal a pen from the bank! But some things about her jus don't add up. She doesn't talk about her past. Whenever i ask her about it or my father she just changes the subject or get's a far off look in her eye's and walks away fom me. I get cut out of my thoughts once again by the mans powerful kick to the ribs. He just get's an evil glint in his eyes and starts to beat me. As he'd scream insults and a few hits just to keep it interesting, I couldn't help but get a good look at his face. His peiercing green eyes, storng jawline and hair colour. The exact same as mine.I got cut out of my thouth's once again by his insult's. I guess 'Whore', 'Slut', and 'useless' are his favorite to say to me.I started to get black dot's dancing around my eyes. Then his final blow caused everything around me toe come crashing down then turning to blackness. 

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