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(Jenn's POV)

We were in the jet to Germany and i finally decided to tell him the story, "Ok, so it happened when i was at school for mutants." 'Mutants?" He asked looking confused, "Mutants are people who have special talents that other people don't have, such as wings." I used the wings example as for me, i had wings. But i only use them for rare occasions, and i suspect i'll have to use them soon. Steve nodded, "Well when i was at school, people would bully me because i had much different talents as other, theirs were simple but mine? Mine were hard to control. One day, i decided to make a mask so if i ever became a hero or something, i would want to protect my identity, plus i don't like people seeing what i look like. That's pretty much the story but shortened, if you want, i can tell you the whole story." I said looking up at Steve, "That'll be nice, but we're here now." I looked out the window and saw a big building with people outside on their knees. Nat opened the back (door) and Steve jumped out with me behind him, his shield protecting an older man as Loki was going to kill him. "You know, the last time i was in Germany, i saw a man standing above everyone else, we ended up disagreeing." I stood behind Steve, "The soldier, the man out of time. And the angel!" The angel? What the what? Does he know i have wings?! "I'm not the one whose out of time." Steve said, "And who said about me being an angel?!" I spat as Nat's jet flew close showing her guns, "Loki, drop the weapon and stand down!" Nat said through the loud speaker, i looked back to Loki seeing that, he seemed mad that he began to shoot the jet. Luckily Nat moved just in time, and Steve threw his shield at Loki leaving me to help with the citizens. Though some seemed a bit scared of me, guessing because of the mask, but they took my hand so i could help them up. All of a sudden i could feel something hitting me, "Ow!" I yelled and turned around seeing Steve's shield on the floor in front of me, i picked it up and looked at both Loki and Steve's faces. I guess the shield should have knocked me down or something but let me remind you, i'm a very strong mutant. I threw Steve's shield back to him and he caught it perfectly. I decided to join in with the fight and punched Loki in the face, i smiled to myself, nice job me! "Clover, i don't want to hurt you." Loki said fighting off Steve, "How many times do i have to tell you!? My name is NOT Clover! It's Jenn thank you very much!" I threw myself at Loki making him fall back, until his spear thing shot me making me fly back. I slowly got to my feet until i heard loud music from the distance. i looked around and saw Iron Man flying past. He knocked Loki down with his laser and landed on the ground and started to show off all his weapons he had on his armor. "make a move reindeer games." Stark said, i moved next to Stark and Steve did the same. Loki's armor disappeared and he moved both hands in the air as he surrendered. Stark got rid of all his weapons, "Good move." He said. "Mr Stark." Steve said, "Captain." Tony returned, "Stark." I joined in, Tony turned around to me, "I believe we haven't met yet." He said showing his face, "Names Jenn, Jenn Hexx. Nice to meet you." I said, "You too." He replied. Nat gave us a ladder to climb on to get back onto the jet, Tony took Loki up while Steve and i took the ladder.

I sat down next to Loki, "Why do you keep calling me 'Clover?' I asked looking at him, "Because that's your name." He simply said turning towards me, i gave him a confused look and walked away towards Steve and Stark, "I don't like it." Steve said, "What? Him giving up so easy?" Tony said while staring at Loki, "I don't remember it being that easy, his packs a wallop."

"Well your pretty spry, for an older fellow. "Whats your thing? Pilates?"

"What?" Steve asked, damn i get bored easily. I walked away and sat down across from Loki fiddling with my fingers. All of a sudden thunder started to come, i'm scared of lightning and thunder especially when its at night, Loki seemed kind of scared too, "What the matter? Scared of a little lightning?" Steve said to Loki, " I'm not overly fond of what follows." Loki replied, "I'M SCARED OF LIGHTNING!" i ran towards Steve and hugged him tightly looking at the sky. Steve looked at me weirdly but shrugged it off and put an arm around me. All of a sudden there was a big thump ontop of the jet making me even more scared and hugged Steve tighter, "Aw, Steve and Jenn sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Tony sang, "Shut up!" I yelled and threw my gun at him, but quickly got it back. Steve just looked at Stark confused. The jet started shaking, "Don't worry Jenn, i got you." Steve said, i turned and saw Stark getting his helmet on and opened the door, IS HE CRAZY? "What're you doing?" Steve asked still holding onto me. All of a sudden some dude with blonde hair, red cape and a, hammer? landed. Stark was about to laser him until that person hit him with his hammer, ouch! I let go of Steve and went to Stark making sure he was alright, i looked at the mysterious man, he looked at me with the same expression Loki gave me when he first saw me. "Tony you ok?" I asked helping him up "yeah i'm fine. Now there's that guy." Tony said walking towards the door, "Another Asguardian?" Nat asked, well more like yelled. "Think that guy is friendly?" I asked "Doesn't matter, if he freezes Loki or kills him, the tesseract's lost."

"Stark! We need a plan of attack." Steve yelled

"I have a plan, attack!"

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