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(Jenn's POV)


"Happy Birthday Laura!" My mother said while i sat across the room, my legs against my chest. Today was my sister's birthday and we're going out to a fancy restaurant. Well actually they're going to the restaurant, i'm not. My sister's always the one that gets what ever she wants. Does anything she wants. Me you ask? I never get anything. All my clothes were Laura's, and yes she's my older sister. She has bad fashion taste. JUST SAYING!


I was crying out on the streets, i ran away from home. I heard something fall on the ground and smash, "H-Hello?" I looked around. nothing. I put my legs on my chest and hid my face letting my tears fall down. "Whats a little girl like you doing out on the streets?" Someone asked, sounded like a woman. I looked up and saw a strange looking woman. "I-I ran a-awy." i started to cry even more. "Hey, shh. It's alright." The woman came down and gave my a hug. "Hey, how about you come with me?" The woman said, i looked at her wide in the eyes, "R-really?" she smiled and gave me a nod.


"Can you tell me your name?" I shook me head, the big man frowned, "How about we call you 'Clover'?" Clover? I liked the name Clover, i nodded and smiled at him. He returned the smile. All of a sudden there were two boys in front of me, "Thor." A man with blonde hair said, "Loki." the other boy said with the black hair, quite like mine. I smiled, "Clover." I said, they both smiled, i smiled too.


"Thor! No fair!" I said as Thor went on top of my stomach. He started laughing, "Thor! You're heavy!" I whined, Loki finally caught up with us and jumped on top of Thor making both me and Thor make a 'oof' sound, but mine was louder. "Come one guys! Get off!" I said getting slightly irritated. They finally got of of me, i frowned at them and stood up. "Well that was-" I pushed Thor to the ground, he looked at me like he was shocked, i just shrugged and said, "That's what happens when you do stacks on me." Loki laughed and Thor just smiled, "Don't think i forgot about you Loki!." I said and pushed Loki to the ground, but he grabbed a hold of my arm making me fall down with him. We all started laughing.


"You've been keeping secrets from me?" I asked shocked, father nodded. "What are they?" I demanded, "Clover, please." Odin tried to calm me down but i cut him off, "For all i know, Clover might not even be my real name!" I said not sure if i was corrects or not. father sighed, i widened my eyes, "You're not my father, are you?" I said shocked and looked down. "No." He simply said. "Why!?" I asked getting mad, "I've been doing this to protect you!" He yelled back but louder, I was sobbing at this time.


"Jenn Hexx, am i right?" Someone asked, i was on the streets, unsure where i was. "Y-yes?" I asked looking around until a man on a wheelchair appeared. "My name is Charles Xavier. And you my dear, have powers that no one has. Correct?" He said. He was bald. I never trusted bald men. i nodded, "Well, i'm the same as you. Different. Powers." He said. I was shocked, "Prove it."


"Welcome to The Xavier School For Gifted Youngester!" Charles said, "Wow." I managed to say, this place was amazing! There were so many other people, just like me! "Charles, see you've found another student." A buff man said. Charles nodded, "Logan, i would like you to meet Jenn Hexx, Jenn, this is Logan." We both shook hands, "Nice to meet you." I said, "you too." He simply said. I turned around and saw Charles was gone. Logan chuckled, "Come, follow me." I did as he said.
"So what's special about you?" Logan asked, i frowned slightly, "Special about me?" Logan nodded, "Yeah you know, powers."
"Oh, well. I can create a forcefield, i can turn invisible, go through walls, i can control fire, can't get burnt, i can change my hair colour, i can heal people. Unless they've been damaged pretty bad, like for example, stabbed in the heart, and i have wings!" I said, "Wow." Was all Logan said, "What can you do?" I asked curiously, all of a sudden, blades, or something came out of his fists. "I can also have the power to heal." He added.


"Hi, my names Cassie. Nice to meet you!" A girl said sticking her hand out. "Jenn." I said shaking her hand.


"Jenn? What's going on!? You-Your. YOU'RE ON FIRE!" Cassie screamed and ran away, she suddenly came back and threw cold water on me. "Thanks." I mumbled, but loud enough for her to hear. "Is that one of your powers? You turn mad and become a fireball?" I nodded, "Freak." Was all she said and left.

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