Chapter 6

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A/N: Just a head up, I changed the gender of Charles Lee, and changed the name to Charlotte, from last chapter. Just to avoid confusion. 

     "OK, guys, listen up. Miss Schuyler, put your phone away, you're here to watch and support. Mr. Lafayette, what have I told you about the signs? Lovely, but not necessary. OK? OK." Angelica grumbled something about not being here by choice and shoved her phone in her bag, Laf sighed and muttered something in French, then rolled up the large handmade sign that read 'ALEX ROCKS! JEFFERSON SUCKS!' complete with glitter glue. Mr. Washington clapped his hands. "Alright, everybody. Here's how it's going to go down: the issue on the table for today... Alexander's proposition for use of funds. And-- ok, Thomas? You've got something to say already?"

     Tom, who was sitting at the head of the main table, looking superior, smirked. There were nametags for all the student council members, stating their positions, but most people didn't wear them anymore. Not Tom. He proudly sported his, with PRESIDENT written in fat letters. "I'll be frank, sir. Alexander's plan is terrible. There's no other way for me to honestly put it."

     Alex laughed and subtly flipped off Tom by rubbing his middle finger underneath his eye. "OK, so you've got a better idea?"

     "It's not hard to be better than you, Alex."

     Alex sat forward, angry. "Shut up, man!" Laf stood up and booed. Angelica shook her head and pulled out her phone again. 

     Mr. Washington stepped forward, hands up. "Alright, alright, calm down, guys. Thomas, come on. We aren't here to criticize. Let's bring it back to the point."

     Alex sat back, face ruddy. He flipped his bangs angrily out of his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. John leaned over and muttered, "That boy is so hot when he's pissed. It's ridiculous." I snickered.

     "Here's what we have to do, Mr. Washington," Tom continued, "and it is no surprise that it is the opposite of what Alex intends. We have to pool resources with other schools in the area to hold one large fundraiser--this will benefit us more in the long run than just keeping what we have now. And it will also improve interschool relations and build community. Isn't that something we strive for?"

     Alex leaned forward again. "OK, first of all, "interschool" is not, has never been, and will never be a word. Just putting that out there. Second of all, you're wrong. We have enough money, thanks to improved funding, (which, I might add, I can take partial credit for thanks to my work last year petitioning the board of directors) to get done what needs to be done. We don't need to bother with extended fundraising, or trying to pool funds with other schools. That will just waste time. It's pointless."

     "I disagree," Tom said.

     "Well, of course you do."

     "Personally, if you're looking for bystander input, I'm with Thomas on this one," Madison called from the side of the room.

     "NO SHIT!" Alex yelled, throwing his hands up in the air. Eliza buried her face in her hands. Laf, John, and I howled with laughter. Madison's face was bright red and Tom just looked mildly annoyed.

     "Mr. Hamilton, I'm not willing to tolerate your behavior for much longer. Both of you," Mr. Washington pointed at Tom and Alex, "control yourselves or leave."

     Alex ground his teeth and remained silent. "That goes for you, too, Mr. Laurens, Mr. Mulligan-- being here is a privilege, not an option."

     John and I stuffed our fists in our mouth at an attempt to stifle our laughter.

      "If I might add something, Mr. Washington, sir?"

     Mr. Washington scratched his eyebrow. "Yes, Charlotte. Go ahead. Good to hear some new voices."

     "I think you're all wrong."

     "Jesus Christ!" Alex yelped.

     "I'm entitled to an opinion, Alexander. We want to use funds, that's all we've been focusing on. Money, money, money. Why should we use it? We should just stand back, and wait until we need it. Our school is fine." She beamed. "As long as you're a teacher here, Mr. Washington, it will be a great school.

     "Good lord," Laf muttered.

    "All this waiting, you're starting to sound like Aaron!" Alex exclaimed. Eliza giggled, and he winked at her. Angelica and John looked personally affronted.

     "Mr. Burr! We haven't heard from you yet!" Mr. Washington was making an obvious attempt to get things back on track, appealing to Aaron Burr, the Vice President, who was usually the most diplomatic of the group. "What do you think?"

     "Oh! Ummm..." Aaron chewed on his thumbnail. "I haven't really got an opinion on this one, sir."

     "What else is new?" Laf said, a little louder than he should have.

     "Alright. Well. Let us know, if you think of anything. Alex, if you can share calmly, go ahead and continue explaining your thinking." They argued for several more minutes about funding. John doodled, and Laf and I played hangman. Laf kept doing French words to piss me off.

     Eventually, the door in the back of the classroom opened, and Theodosia came in. Theodosia was one of those people who everyone liked, whether they wanted to or not. Kind of like Eliza, except a lot of girls envied Eliza. No one envied Theo, not really... her situation wasn't a great one. Her boyfriend, James, was a big football star. He had graduated last year, and was now on a sports scholarship at the University of Georgia. Everyone knew that she and Aaron were an item, though. And no one was quite sure why she didn't break it off with James. Something about her parents not wanting her to date a black kid. Theo was good friends with Peggy, and therefore casual friends with our crew. She came over, smiling, and sat down next to me.

     "Hey," she whispered.


     "This thing almost over?"

     "Yeah. Aaron's doing great."

     She blushed and shook her head. "He's too indecisive. I always tell him that... maybe one day he'll figure it out."

     "I think that's enough for one day, guys." Mr. Washington sounded exhausted. "Great job, and see you next week."

    Eliza bounced up and practically skipped over to Alex, throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Charlotte minced over to Mr. Washington and began brown-nosing him, no doubt. Aaron loped towards me and Theo, smiling. She grinned, and stood to meet him. "Hey, 'Dosia. I didn't expect to see you."

     She stood on tiptoe to kiss him. "I thought I'd surprise you."

     I turned away, and bumped into Laf. He sighed, watching Theo and Aaron. "Are we the only ones not tied down completely, mon ami?"

     I looked at John, staring at Alex with an obvious longing, at Tom and Madison whispering in a corner, their hands twining together, coming apart.

     "Herc! You taking me somewhere?"

     I whirled around and saw Angelica, standing near the door, one hand on her slim hip.

     I grinned, feeling a blush creeping up my neck. I glanced back at Laf. "Speak for yourself, bro."

     He shook his head and turned away while I trotted after Angelica, feeling like the luckiest guy in the world. 

A/N: Sorry for the gap between chapters! But, man, over 500 reads, you guys?? Thank you so much, y'all!! And I absolutely love hearing all the feedback in the comments, it means so much to me, honestly. So I'm going to be at camp for a week +, so I won't update for a while...just a heads up... Oh! Btw, I made a Hamiltrash Instagram. The username is hamilton_take_a_walk. Check me out!! 😊 Love you guys 💕✌️

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