Chapter 2

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Billy walked through the face shaped garden, So it's in the shape of her face huh? He thought as he observed some of the dead roses.
He sat down on a bench outside the garden.
Bored, he stared at his shoes.
After a few minutes he remembered what his father said,
she fell down a well and was never seen again.
Suddenly curious if the well was nearby, Billy got up and went off in search of it.
He saw a trail of mud leading down a hill and onto a trail which led past a bunch of rocks on a ledge and down a hill into the woods.
He followed the trail to a clearing.
There he found a small circle of mushrooms.
He observed the mushrooms.
"Huh?" He said curiously, as he reached out to touch a mushroom.
"Don't touch that." A voice interrupted.
Billy turned and saw a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes, she was about his age.
"Why not?" He asked.
"Well, I'm no expert but, those are poisonous."
"Well you seem to be the expert." Billy retorted.
The girl narrowed her eyes and studied him, "Your not from around here. You the new neighbor?"
"Yeah.." Billy said.
"Cool, I'm Aspen. Aspen Taylor."
She put out her hand for him to shake, he stared at her cautiously for a while but hesitantly shook her mud covered hand.
"I'm Billy Wild."
"Nice to meet you!" She smiled.
"Nice to meet you too." He said.
"So your from..?"
"The top floor." Aspen answered.
"Oh, I just moved into the middle floor."
Aspen's eyes widened, "the middle floor?"
"Uh, yeah."
"The beldam used to live there before she fell down the well."
"So?" Billy tilted his head.
"Nevermind." Aspen said.
"Well I'll see you later." Aspen said as she hopped on her bike.
Billy watched her ride off, "Bye." He said quietly.
He walked home with so many questions in his head.

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