Chapter 4

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"Well that's a bit anti-climatic." He sighed.
"Well the door is bricked up. That's just great." He narrowed his eyes.
"Time to get to bed!" His dad yelled.
Billy ran out of room, "coming Dad!"
"Hey where were you Billy?" His dad asked.
"I was in the study, did you ever notice that small door in the wall?"
"Door in the wall? No."
"Well I opened it up. It's all bricked up. Why?"
"Well they probably just blocked it off when they divided up the house." The dad shrugged.
"Time to get to bed, your mother is already in bed. It's time for you to go too."
Billy looked at his father, "what about dinner? I'm hungry."
"Not tonight Billy, but tomorrow we have enough food to last us the morning then we have to go shopping for more at the town nearby."
"Oh, okay. Goodnight then I guess."
Billy changed his clothes and laid down in his bed.
Later on that night:
Billy heard some squeaking coming from under his bed. He looked under to see mice, who scurried out from under the bed and out his cracked door.
He ran after them, down the stairs and into the study.
The little door was cracked and the mice ran into it.
Billy opened the door.
There he saw a long tunnel that was soft and was glowing a mixture of pink and blue.
He looked around from behind him, and slowly crawled into the tunnel.

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