Chapter 5

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When he got to the other side of the tunnel he saw his house?
"What? This doesn't make any sense I just left my house through the"- he saw the normally sad blue boy in that painting was smiling, "tunnel."
"This is strange." He said as he observed the study which looked like it was finished, judging by all the wallpaper fixed and up on the wall.
He curiously walked out of the study to smell something coming from the kitchen.
He sniffed the air, steak?
Bleh, I hate steak.
He then smelled something else, and he shrugged. Kabobs aren't too bad.
Walking into the kitchen he saw his mother grilling steak on a pan in the kitchen.
How did she get steak anyways? Only people with lots of money can afford steak.
Confused, he said, "hello?"
His mother turned around, "hello dear."
He stood in shock, the woman that stood before him was his mother, but she... She had.... Button eyes.
"Your not my mother. My mother doesn't have buttons for eyes!"
"Oh I'm not your mother sweetie, I'm your Other Mother." She explained.
Billy tilted his head, "what?"
"I know it's a lot to take in but just start by telling your father that supper is ready."
Billy narrowed his eyes, "where is he?"
"He's in his study." She smiled.
Billy glared at her suspiciously then walked out to get his father.
His father was running around in his study, "hey Billy!" He said.
Billy stared dumbfoundingly at his father, "what are you doing?"
"I'm jogging!" His father beamed, his button eyes gleaming.
"Uh, okay? Well the other mother told me to tell you that supper is ready."
"Well let's go then, his father ran out of the room.
This place is weird. Billy thought as he slowly followed his Other Father back to the kitchen.

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