Chapter 7

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Billy woke up back in his real apartment, where.... The ceiling was leaking....
Great. He narrowed his eyes.
He ran back to the door and opened it, seeing bricks once more.
Now, Billy didn't exactly want to go back, besides they didn't even know his name, but he was too curious not to go.
"Perhaps it was a dream? Maybe."
"Good morning Billy!" His father said, his voice coming towards the study.
Billy quickly closed and locked the door, "hey Dad."
"Your mother is at work this morning. I think you should explore a bit, meet the neighbors." His father said.
Billy shrugged, I already met the one that lives upstairs, I haven't met the downstairs people yet.
A few minutes later.
Billy walked outside and then walked down the porch.
On his way to the other side of the house, Aspen rode by and stopped her bike in front of Billy.
"Where are you off too Mr.Wild?"
"That's none of your concern." Billy said.
"Just curious." She said defensively.
Billy looked at her then walked the rest of the way to the other side of the house.
He walked down the steps then knocked on the door to the downstairs apartment.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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