The Phone Call

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Isabella Garcia-Shapiro yawned and got up in the middle of the night to answer her cell-phone which seemed to never stop ringing. She stretched her arms high and stretched her legs low. She cracked her back and rolled her neck before finally feeling confident enough to not trip over her own feet. She stumbled like a drunkard across her dorm room to her phone which was plugged in on the kitchen table. She swiped the answer key.

"Hello?" She asked while licking her lips and not even trying to keep her eyes open.

"Hello. Is this Ms. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro?" He asked, sharp as a tack.

"This... is." She managed to get through between a yawn.

"Hi. I am Officer Patrick Grey from the Tri-State Area Police Department and there are some events that I need to inform you about."

"Huh? Hey! If you're one of those commercial people trying to sell me somethin, you can just scooch your sorry little ole butt right on outta here!"

"Ma'am, are you drunk?" The officer asked slowly.

"No sir I am not! What did you need again?" She said very off put.

"Ma'am, I called to inform you that your parents were turning at an intersection and was hit head on by a delivery truck."

"What? What are you saying?" Isabella asked suddenly very panicked and alert. No, this couldn't be happening....

"Your parents died at the scene--"

"No..." Isabella said. This is not happening! This is not happening... she thought frantically

"I'm sorry for your loss." He said.
Isabella felt nothing for a moment before immense sadness swept over her.

"Why here, why now?" She whispered. Isabella threw her phone across the room, not even caring if anything happened to her. Her life was just stripped away from her. She threw on her robe and without even thinking, grabbed her keys and fled. She didn't know where she would end up, she just needed to be anywhere but her dorm room. Anywhere but where the impossible happened.

She drove all through town in her pink car, even though it didn't really matter. It could be blue for all she cared. Or green. Or oran.... Phineas. Isabella immediately slammed on the breaks and spun around in the other direction. She went as fast as she could without going too high over the speed limit. She came up on some orange cones. She slowed down because even though she was in a rush, she respected the law. As she drove by, she came to a complete stop. The 18 year old got out of her car and stepped slowly toward the yellow tape.

She recognized her parents' car immediately. It was completely totaled. There was no delivery truck in sight.

For a moment, Isabella thought about running to the Flynn-Fletcher household, but then she didn't want to get her car towed. While she was in the car, she called the towing company with her smart car phone and asked them to not bring her parents car to the scrap yard yet, she wanted to see if maybe she could scrounge up something of her parents'. She didn't even know what she was saying.

Isabella parked in front of the yellow house which seemed really dark in the dead of night. She turned off the ignition and threw her keys in her pocket right before she realized that she had none. She sighed, picked up her keys from the paved road and clutched them in her hand. She felt her feet start moving toward their front door when she realized that she only wanted Phineas to answer.... Uggg! Crap. This has been a sucky night, she thought to herself. She trudged back to her car, turned it on, and called Phineas' cell phone like she had called the towing company.

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