The Promised Ones

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______3 days later________

The bright sun rays shone into my bedroom, awakening me from a deep slumber. That and the fact my stomach has been doing flips all night. I groaned, sitting up and wiping the sleep from my eyes. I went to go look at the time but before I could even read the numbers projected on the small clocks screen, it felt as if last nights diner was about to come up.

I darted from the bed to the bathroom down the hall while I had my hand clenched over my mouth and the other over my stomach. I forcefully pushed the bathroom door open and hunched over the toliet, emptying any contents in my stomach out.

'What the heck is wrong with me?' I thought while trying to regain my breath after that little episode.

I went to get up, but just as I thought it was done, it was time for round two. Ugh this is horrible.

Suddenly, I heard a gasp and foot steps rushing my way. Not to long after a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back. As I panted for breath, I looked up to see Kellin with a very worried look. I grunted whilst wiping my mouth on the back of my hand and flushing the toilet.

"Iris, dear, what's going on?" Kellin asked clearly as confused as me while he help me stand up and walk over to the sink.

I just shook my head and started to wash my hands, following that I brushed my teeth.

"Doll I'm worried about you..." I could barley hear Kellin say through all my thoughts.

What could this be? Food Poisoning? No, I haven't ate anything bad but I have been having a crazy big appetite... Stomach bug? I don't get sick....

"Kellin what's today's date?" I said still holding a confused look on my face. He looked over to me, eye brows furrowed,

"Its the 12th. Why?"

Its late.

And suddenly all the dots started to connect.

This can't be.... It can't be right! Its probably nothing, just a fluke thing. But just in case, I asked,

"Kellin. . . Did you use protection that few nights ago?" My voice was nervous and wavering all through the sentence. Kellin looked at me, his eyes wide and jaw dropped. He looked at me with so much guilt I already knew his answer.

"Iris I-I'm so sorry!" He stuttered looking so ashamed as he tried to give me a hug. I pushed him off and stormed past him, almost out the door before saying,

"I'll be back in a few, I'm getting a test."

Kellin looked up at me and sighed,"I'll go with you, you don't need to drive upset." Then jogged over to me, holding the keys. I just nodded with a frown still in my face as walked down the halls and to the car with him following close behind.

What if it's positive?

What would I do with a kid? I couldn't raise it!

How could I let this happen!? I never wanted kids in the first place!

"Iris your worrying yourself to tears, stop. Its okay I promise." Kellin's sweet voice broke me of my thoughts. I didn't even realize I really was crying until he said so. I sniffled and wiped my eyes as Kellin set his hand on my leg while whispered calming little nothings to me.

"I'm just so nervous..." I muttered weakly while looking out the window.

And he said nothing.

Which worried me the life out of me.

"Where here" he barley mumbled as he parked the car. I wearly nodded as we got out and started walking towards the store. Kellin walked far ahead of me, not saying a word to me.

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