Chapter 12 - Betrayal?

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Anthony's P.O.V.

Ever since Remix came back into my life, I forgot about Kalel. But sometimes I still wonder where she is... I remember the address of the old building she was in. I don't know if I should still look for her or not...


Kalel's P.O.V.

I wonder if I'm ever going to be found... I've already been here for 5 weeks now. I havn't got to play out in the snow, and Christmas is coming. Does Anthony and the gang still care about me? Did they just give up? I hope their still looking for me. I have a little bit of hope left in my system.

"Christmas is coming!" Pika said popping his head in the room.

"Yaaaaaay.... .-." I said making a face.

"Come on. Where's that christmas spirit, Kalel?"

"I don't know... I just been gloomy these days."

"I'll be right back!" He said popping his head out of the room and going downstairs.

When he came back though he was hiding something behind his back.

"What's behind your back?" I asked looking suspicious.

"Hey look turn around!" Pika said. I turned my head around when he threw a snowball at my head!

"Haha, made you look!" He said laughing

"Haha, very funny." I said.

"Okay, I'll cook breakfast be right back!"

"Byeeeeeeeeeeee..." I said


Pika's P.O.V.

I was downstairs making breakfast. Hmm... Waffles or Pancakes. Eh I'll just do both.

Oh.. And I know what your wondering. How did I get Kalel to kiss me? Well it was easy, I hypnotised her cx Yea! My grandpa teached me how to hypnotise people when I was young. And did you see Anthony's face when he saw us? It was PRICELESS! (Author's Note: Lol I know Pika's such a bitch xD)


Cry's' P.O.V.

Marzia and the others just made it to the hospital. Anthony introduced Remix to us already, she's really nice. She said she's into video games! Maybe one time we should do a collab! Well me and Minx went to Marzia and Felix's house so we can put our luggage and everything down. Ken decieded to stay at the hospital. I can finally have a chance to ask her!

"Minx... Can I ask you something?" I asked. We were unpacking and we were the only ones in the house except Maya and Edgar.

"Sure Cry!" She said excited

"Um... Do you wanna go to dinner? On Sunday?" I asked asked nevously

"Like a date?" She said raising an eyebrow

"U-Urm, no just as friends." I said blushing.

"Oh then. Sure! For a momment there I thought you were asking me out!" She said looking relieved.

I started laughing (fake) "Me and You? Together? Never gonna happen." I said.

"Yupp! Never ever! No cryinx or whatever our ship name is." She said putting a bottle of lotion on top of the drawer.

Well... At least I still get to eat dinner with her! Ugh... I'm an idiot.

I went over to get the mail in Marzia and Felix's mailbox (they gave me the key) I was looking through the letters when I found a note... And it said

"you guy's won't ever find her." 

And that was it. No signing or whatever. I gotta show this to Anthony.


Author's Note:

Haii, I had to bring back Kalel and Pika, I've been focusing WAY too much on the other characters xD Well, their back! and I'll try to keep writing with them in it. xD


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