Chapter 22 - The Whole Story

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Pika's P.O.V.

Remix and Pewds just got back to the house and now we were eating McDonalds... I'm gonna miss Kalel and Anthony... At least now he's not gonna spy on me and Remix! Okay, I know you're bored now just me going on, I know you want to know how me and Remix started dating, huh? Yea. I can read your minds. Jk xD

~Yesterday At The Park~

"So, You guys just started dating?" I asked Cry. We were walking around the park.

"Ya, I took out a box with a necklace inside. And in the pendant of the necklace was the day me and Michelle first met," He replied smiling.

"Hey, how can I ask Remix to be my girl?" 

"Get her something, that is not too expensive, but that sparks a memory between you two, or something that you both have in common,"

"Okay, let's go to the shop." I said. Me and Cry walked over to the giftshop, I got Remix a rose and a bracelet, with a headphone charm on it. I picked that bracelet because for Christmas, I got her headphones, and she got me headphones too. 

After I paid for the bracelet and rose, me and Cry walked back to Remix and Michelle. They were making a snowman.

"Come on guys!" Michelle said.

Cry ran over to her and Remix came over to me. I was hiding the rose and box behind my back.

"The snow is so beautiful!" Remix said spinning around.

"Remix, can I ask you something?" I asked.

She stopped spinning and said "Sure, you can ask me anything!"

I gently grabbed her hand.

"Remix, Will you be my girlfriend?" I said bringing out the rose and box.

She opened the box and there it was, the bracelet sparkling and shining.

She smiled. "F*ck no, I'm just kidding! F*ck yes!" She said hugging me. When I heard her say no, I felt like I was gonna collapse, but then when she said "Just kidding!" I practically fangirled inside xD

I got the box and grabbed the bracelet inside and slipped it on her arm. She looked straight into my eyes and kissed. We could hear Cry and Michelle fangirling in the backround xD

"AHHH OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!" Michelle said. I opened my eyes and saw Cry running in the snow fangirling. Then he tripped. I couldn't helped it and ended the kiss and laughed so hard. Remix saw Cry face first in the snow too and laughed also, Michelle on the other hand was cracking up and just fell in the snow too. Me and Remix ran over there and jumped into the snow also. We were laughing and having a good time.

It was the best day ever!

~End of flashback~

I just finished my sandwich and went into the kitchen to throw the wrapper away. I was washing my hands when Ian and Melanie came in. 

"Hey pika," Ian said. 

"So, I heard you and Remix are official!" Melanie said smiling.

"How do you know?" I said

"I saw the bracelet on Remix's arm and asked where she got it, and told the whole story. Everyone heard it!" Mel said.

"Does Anthony know?" Ian asked.

"Remix told him when they were at the airport,"

"Was he really mad?" 

"Ask Remix, She was there,"

Suddenly Pewds and Marzia came in.

"Official?" Pewds asked.

I nodded. 

"Do we need a ship name?" Marzia asked.

I made a face. I'm not into those fangirling crap or whatever. Suddenly everyone was thinking and talking about a ship name for me and Remix. I quietly got out of the kitchen and went back to the living room.

"Haii," Remix said. She, Cry, Michelle, Mari, Sohinki, and Ken was still in the living room.

I pointed to the kitchen, "They're in the middle of making a ship name for us," I said making a face.

"OKAY! WE MADE A SHIP NAME!" Melanie said running to the living room with the gang behind them.

"RIKA!" They all said smiling.

I looked at Remix. 

"What do dyou think?" Marzia asked.

"Okay," Remix said.

"YAHOO! IT'S OFFICIAL!" They said high fiving each other.



 Kalel's P.O.V.

We just landed!!! 

"Anthony, wake up!" I said shaking Anthony.

"REMIX I'LL KILL YOUUUuuu" Anthony said waking up.

The passangers looked at us. Me and Anthony stood up and got our duffel bags under our chairs. We got off the plane and got our luggages from the baggage claim. After we got them we went outside to wait for David (Lasercorn)

"There's David!" Anthony said pointing to the silver car pulling up to the sidewalk.

"Hey guys!" Zoey said opening the door. She came over and hugged us. David and Anthony went to put the luggages in the back. After that me and Anthony got in the back and Lasercorn drove us to our apartment.

"Thanks guys," I said getting out of the car. After David and Zoey left we went up to the apartment to see Joey playing with Pip and Buki saying "Pipanya and Bukianya you two are so cute!"

After Joey left me and Anthony ate dinner. Well me, Pip, and Buki at dinner. Anthony was on the phpone trying to call Remix. I'm happy for them! They look so cute together!

"Anthony are you gonna eat or what?" I yelled. He didn't answer so I just got his food and ate it.

When I was finished I put the two plates in the sink and watched TV.

It's good to be home. :D


Author's Note:

Happy december!!! Lol xD So uh... I have nothing else to say so....

                                                                                                                                      -Cass :)

p.s. Haiii :D

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