I'm Sorry

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Try listening to this song while reading. This poem is sorta based on the song just not as good xD.

I'm sorry for not telling anyone..

I'm sorry for the way you have to find out.

I'm sorry for everything,

All the mistakes I've made,

All the things I've said..

And for what I'm going to do after I write this letter.

I'm Sorry.


I hope you still love me after this.

I'm for the pain I'm putting you through, 

But the pain I am in is much greater.

My will to live is gone.

Those mean kids took it.

They took it when they said I was worthless.

I'm sorry for believing them.

I'm sorry for giving them the power to hurt me.

But Now it's time...


Just Worldly ThingsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ