Safe Haven

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I want to be alone. To be in the water, surrounded by quietness and the warm glow of the sun that forms an angelic halo of light around me. The sun melting the ice cold barrier that has formed around my life.
You ever have that feeling in your stomach? When you're just sick of people and life, and just want to be alone. And when you're alone it feels amazing and peaceful, and you're finally alone in your safe haven.
Where is your alone place? Your safe haven? Is it in the water? Deep in the water, or a meadow filled with flowers and a gentle breeze, or is it in the forest at night when everything is stilled? So many possibilities... So many places where you can go to be free and happy. Places where you can be free of thoughts and responsibilities... To be free from life altogether.
But in the end, we all want to be free, to be rid of the thoughts that invade your mind to be rid of life. To go to our very own safe haven. So we don't feel sad in this world, so we can be free at last, and we can just be us without ever having to worry again.

Something I did in 8th grade.

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