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Chloe's POV
"Fuck!!" I cursed loudly through my flat as i fiddled with the button on my clothes dryer. The bastard won't work!! It has my work clothes in and i need to be at school in half an hour and im not even ready. After mine and Beca's date and make out session last night, i said goodbye to her at like 10:15 and i got in the shower and fell asleep on the sofa again and woke up late this morning so my clothes that i washed last night aren't gonna be dry...

I ran into my bedroom and rummaged through my wardrobe and found these leather-looking black jeans and a nice silk button down and threw them on, tucking the front in. I dragged a brush through my hair and put some of this lotion on to keep the frizz down, i hopped into my ensuite and brushed my teeth whilst washing my face and put the most minimal makeup on with the toothbrush still in my mouth. I slipped my black heels on and i slung my bag over my shoulder and ran to the kettle and took out my flask/cup thing and made my coffee. I paused at the door and turned round, making sure everything was switched off before legging it out the door and choosing to run down the stairs rather than wait for the elevator.

My journey to work was a nightmare, i hate going over the speed limit, its one thing i never do! But fuck did i speed. I had to put my lipstick on in the above mirror which i pulled down and it snapped, i then nearly smashed into the back of a dude on a motorbike cos I wasn't watching the road, i dropped my lipstick- which was really expensive- and it broke and wiped all over the side of my car seat. The radio was shit and then i realised I hadn't put any suncream on and its my day on duty out on the field today so i can bet you a big sum of money that I'll get burnt. Fuck!

I skidded to a halt in the parking space and noticed Chris standing there waiting for me, pacing back and forth in front of his car, his hands wrapped tightly round the strap of his leather man bag. I kicked the door open and stepped out "hi" i said through a long breath and he smiled, unsure of me. I looked down at myself "what?" I asked and slammed my door "oh, the clothes, yeah...well there was an accident with my clothes dryer and that's why im late and-" I cut myself off out of breath and sighed.

"Its not the clothes...you can wear what you like, but you should probably make sure you've buttoned it up right" he wiggled his hand about chest height whilst staring at my shirt, i looked down and noticed the top button of my shirt didn't match with the top button hole. I cursed under my breath and i shoved my bag and my coffee into his hand and began unbuttoning my shirt, he cleared his throat and looked to the sky as my bra became visible, i realised i was almost undressing in front of him and gasped, i turned round to face my car when i looked up and saw...Beca. She shut her truck door whilst staring at my chest with a smirk and bit her lip. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened, she gave me a wink and strutted off with Stacie and Benji. I span round to face the back of the car park and buttoned up my shirt finally and tucked the front back in. I turned round to face Chris again and he held my stuff out for me, i huffed and placed my bag back over my shoulder and took a big swig of coffee.

"I couldn't be having a worse morning if i tried" i said and puffed my cheeks out, i shut my eyes for a second and strolled on forward with Chris following me.

Walking down the hallways was the same, the kids moving out the way for us, most of them looking me up and down and whistling. How kind. I was walking towards where Beca was laughing with Camden, she saw me and did a double take, her eyes wide and her hand paused mid air which she was using as a gesture during her conversation. She looked me up and down and made sure to strut even more just for her. Camden turned round and i smiled at them both, she looked back to Beca who was still staring in a trance at me as i walked on past.

"I wonder if they ever told their parents about what happened with Camden" Chris said from beside me as we turned into the staff room which had Gemma, Greg and Iris sitting on the sofas drinking coffees.

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