No sleep

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Based off the Ikimaru comic! Jake let's Dirk sleepover and well, someone's not sleeping anytime soon. Also this will take place before they confess feelings. Enjoy!

Tonight is a good night. Or atleast Jake was hoping for it to turn out that way. He had invited his friend Dirk over to watch movies, play games, and to sleep there for the night. However, there was one problem. Jake did not have a guest room, an inflatable bed, or even an extra bed. Where was his best bro going to sleep? He decides to contemplate on the thought later. He hears the doorbell and immediately runs out from his bedroom and down the stairs. He crashes into the door and falls to the floor.


"Jake...?" Dirk's voice sounded from the other side of the door, "did you just crash into your own door?"

"Yes..ugh..." The Brit stands and opens the door his face red from the impact.

"Nice look Jake," Dirk says with a smirk. Jake blushes in embarrassment and steps aside allowing the blonde to enter into his abode.

"So up the stairs right?"

"Yeah!" Jake shouts as he runs up the stairs before Dirk could. Dirk chuckles at his friends wild antics as he follows carrying his own bag filled with his own belongings. He enters into Jake's room and sets his stuff down.

"Wow I see you got everything set. The games are laid out as well as the shitty movie choices and also snacks," he says grinning his eyes stuck to the doritos.

"Yup! I told you Dirk I was going to be prepared this time," he says proudly with his hands to his hips. Dirk laughs at his friends' overwhelming self pride as he plants himself onto his bed. "Alright so what do we start with?"

"Well games or movies?" Jake asks.

"Well I don't know...your movies are really really shitty jake,"

"Hey!" He shouts with a pout.

"It's true jake," Dirk says not backing down from his word.

They both stare at each other before bursting into laughter at their idiotic tendencies.

The whole day goes by smoothly as jake had wanted it to. The boys play games, watch movies, and Dirk even manages to get him to draw on his touch pad. Of course, his art work was way worse than anything. Dirk finds it amusing and decides to let it slide since it was his first time.

That night, the problem from the beginning of the day had arose once more. But of course, jake was a bit oblivious to the matter. Dirk sits on Jake's bed with a pillow and turns to him.

"Hey you're sure it's alright if I sleep here?" He asks.

Jake nods, "Sure thing mate why not?" He says agreeing. However later that night he regrets it.

It's late into the night, close to three in the morning and jake is left in a very uncomfortable position. He lays there wide away clutching his shirt, while Dirk lays with his arm around the Brit and his leg as well around his legs. Jake lays there blushing regretting agreeing.

'Gadzooks why?!'

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