New Years

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Happy New years everyone!!! Here for the moment a small fluff chapter to feed you all....hahaha nah! Smut all the way for you guys! You guys have treated me well and I enjoy seeing you enjoying these one shots of our favorite boys in Homestuck! I hope to give more to you guys in this next year! Thank you so much for your support!


It's New Year's eve and the tv is lit with the sight of New York City and the timer running in the upper corner. The ball ready to move as time ticks on. And sitting om the couch baring the cold since their heater had broke was Jake and his new fiance Dirk.  The boys sit in their sweaters with hot cocoa and snacks laid on the table.

"Okay let me just say this real quick....we are in fucking TEXAS! Everyone is living here in Texas!!! And thats great but why of all times does it have to be fucking so cold right now! How and why is it so cold?!"

" Dirk....? I think it would be best if you could calm down...." Jake says.

"Right will be hot later on like that makes any fucking sense dammit...and our heater is down just great!"

Jake feels sweat dripping down the side of his face as he tries to get his lover to calm down.

"Look Dirk relax it will be fixed tomorrow mate, so don't worry okay? A New Year is going to start okay? And it will be another year with us together," he says as he holds Dirk's hand. Dirk looks at him and hides his blush underneath his shades.

"Yeah...." He smiles and holds his hand tightly.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Go ahead dude,"

"I don't know if this is okay to ask....but can I ask...what brought about popping up that question...? How were you so sure...?"

"Hmm...I just felt I was....Jake through the years I mean..we practically have gone through thick and thin...h a ve been through hell and heaven...not once did we ever fall so much apart....I really believed that we could be together for the rest of our lives since we have basically been together for most of it..."


"I never had doubts, even with some of the flaws you have...I love you unconditionally and that's not gonna change,"

Jake smiles and sniffles a bit at hearing his words.

"Whao, dude no need to get all teary eyed,"

" just so...friggin just love you so bloody much...and I never could imagine...this horrific world without you...."

Dirk lets out a small sigh and smiles. He reaches over gently moving his glasses and leans closer kissing under his eye. Jake continues to smile as he takes a moment feeling the warmth of his hands filling his face. But the warmth turned into extreme heat once he feels his tongue glide up his cheek licking away a tear.


"Haha, your face is really just awesome, I couldn't help it," he says with a chuckle. Jake puffs out his cheeks embarrassed, but then the memory of Halloween night replays. He smirks a bit and removes his glasses setting them aside.


Dirk opens his eyes as he pauses in his laughter, but when he does he's greeted with an expression of lust. Jake shoves him down and sits over his lap with his hands over his chest.

"J...jake...calm down now...."

"Oh? Don't you remember? I said I would get you next time....and right now is the perfect time," he says in a low heavy tone.  He removes Dirk's shades and sets them with his glasses as he stares down at his lover. "And this time, im in control, "

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