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Song: Chicken Fried

Sebastian pov:

God Larissa is a real teaser. Once she left I went in side the pack house and went up too my room. I had to take a cold shower to get rid of this boner. Plus I was sticky and sweaty so I had to take a shower. I was finished with my shower when Leo my beta mind-linked me 'alpha you need to come down to your office, there's something you need to see'. I got dressed in a blue shirt and some jeans and some Nicky shoes. Once I'm done I walk out of my room and head to my office. On my way there I see Katy. God she's so annoying , like you don't even know. I tried to walk past her but she put her arm out to stop me. " what do you want Katy" I asked her. " I just want you"  " I have to go , just let me be for today"   " Is it that Larissa girl, I don't see why you like her she's ugly and fat " she said. That just made me more angry. I grabbed her by the neck and pinned her against the wall. "Don't you ever say that about my MATE, show some respect to your future LUNA. And if I ever hear you sat things about my mate I will kill you myself " I said in my alpha voice. She look like she was about to shit her pants. She nodded so I let her go and as soon at her feet hit the ground she ran and I just watched her run with a smile cause I knew that she was scared. I got to my office and saw that Leo was there sitting next to my chair. I walked to my chair and asked " What's up man" to Leo. "Your not going to like this at all". "Why what's wrong".   "Someone called while you weren't here".  "Who".  "Alpha Kevin".   "What does he want".   "Larissa". I growled at what he said. Why does he want my Larissa. "What does he want with her".  "He wants her as his mate".  When he said that I growled so loud you could hear it 100 miles away. I got up and punch the wall making a whole. "There's no way in he'll he's having her, she's mine".  "I know that so that's what I told him and he said he's willing to go to war".   "Well I'm willing to fight".   "That's what I thought".  "Wait why does he want her as his mate".   "Cause she's rare and spacial, remember she's the best fighter in the world and strongest".   "Well yeah but there as to be a bigger reason".  "Well She is hot but not as hot as her friend Vicky ".  "Let me guess, she's your mate".   " you got that right".   "Whatever, anyways back to that war thing".  "Yeah so if there is going to be a war then we need to train, and hard".          "Well guess what I have the best trainers. Plus we need to tell her this".  "Okay I'll call a meeting with Larissa and Vicky".  God Larissa why do you always have to attract trouble. Alpha Kevin is horny guy. He is in His early  twenties and loves to have power over everyone. To be honest he's pretty handsome. Well every alpha is supose to. I have a feeling that they know each other. All I want is her. All I want is for her to love me like I love her. All I want is for her to stop teasing and actually feel. All I want is her. Her body , her lips, he touch, her hair, her everything pulls me in deeper to her. I need to find a way for her to submit to me. For her to begg me for my touch. And I got a plan.

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