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when the eyes met first,
your presence was engraved with an unknown outburst..

day by day, it blossomed into a friendship,
with a little bit of care and more of the tiff..

you confessed, I held my breath,
I was confused and scared that' it would consume my health..

you gave me joy, when I gave you pain,
But when you left, my conscious feelings for you were regained..

I was alive again, I wanted to fly so high..
I was in love, I gave in all I had because I couldn't let our love die without a fight..

You're everything and more, I have ever imagined,
The longing for you gives me courage and your support aspires to be an equal - gentleman personified..

People can't accept us, but nothing can separate us..
Pain will be there but we will love each other and until last breath, we will live for us..

Love for you grows and there's no power that can override it..
As presence of love has no jealousy or lust..

I can't be more proud of our love and what we stand for..
As to love will respect us and we will enter the immortality door..

Thank you :)

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