Entry 4

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I love you Dizzy!!!!!

Dear Diary,

             OMG OMG I AM SOO SORRY! That I haven't been updating. While I've been gone some pretty interesting things happened to me. First and foremost, I got to see Ansleigh!!! <3 I was at open house and I was about to walk through the main corridor and she busted through the doors and ran to me. Honestly, I thought I was going crazy so I turned around and said, " No your not real. I am finally going crazy, MOM LETS LOAD UP we gotta go to the shrink! She's not real." I  really and truly thought I was going to be put in a mental health facility. I already had tears and my eyes, and guess what. Pretty soon they were coming down my face because I felt her. She grabbed me from behind and hugged me.

          I cried so hard on her shoulder. She said " Don't you dare cry, your gonna make me cry!" And I responded with " I already am" So we got all caught up. I found out some things that made me feel guilty. I won't be going into any detail whatsoever because that is her business. Anyway, I felt guilty so I promised her that I would make it up to her. A pizza weekend/ slumber party- I don't know, but I knew I had to make it up to her.

         I was suppose to go to her house last weekend, but her brother was sick. And after that she hasn't shown up for the past two school days. I am starting to get worried.

    Any who next topic, my oldest sister Daisey moved in. The one on wattpad also. I will be tagging her in this now since I have already came out to her and my other sister Janisty. A few minutes ago while we were in the pool. I came out to them- it was only us out there at the time- and they took it extremely well. Daisey asked me questions instead of yelling or being negative. I expected questions, a lot of people in my place do.

        They asked me question like. 'When did you start feeling this way', 'Do you want a sex change', and ' Is that why you want me to buy you that'. I wanted them to ask, I want to communicate- instead of yelling and disowning. As of right now- now as in while I'm writing this- I am playing with Daisey's baby girl, Karsyn. She's playing with her lil' toesies.

       Next topic XD, I got a boyfriend. Then, dumped him. I liked him but I didn't like him... you know what I mean? I actually have feelings for someone else so I knew me and Thomas wouldn't last. Daisey knows Thomas' sister, Karina, they're best friends so it was a little weird.

         I don't really know what else to talk about sooooo, leave a comment, vote, follow, whatever- and you get to hear more of me!! XD Private Message me about your 'coming out' stories I'd really love to get to know you guys better!!!  Bye guys Love you!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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