#16 Truest Believer Part 2

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A blush dusted his cheeks when he realized that you were both still holding hands. You looked down and let go of his hand a blush also dusting your cheeks.

"Well we should be getting back before anyone realizes that I am missing." Henry said.

You nodded and made your way back. Those beans are and will be your ticket home.


A couple weeks have passed and you have been getting seriously irritated with the two adult humans you were supposed to be working with. They were really focused on getting Regina over some stupid child. You sighed as you were about to contact Pan's shadow. You rubbed your temples getting a headache from the last couple of weeks events. Only good thing is that you have gotten Henry to trust you. Pan will be glad about that. You didn't know what he would think about the other event's. After a couple minutes of standing around Pan's shadow finally served his purpose and came to you.

"What took you so long?" You asked with your hands on your hips.

"Delayed in getting here." Pan's shadow answered.

You huffed in response.

"I have news to report to Pan. The boy trusts me a lot. So much that it shouldn't be hard to convince him to come to Neverland. Those stupid idiots that Pan has me working with are not very convenient. They have only been trying to get Regina. Pan never said anything about anyone dying. More bad news. Hook is in town and he knows who I am. Although I have gotten him to keep it a secret by giving him aid in his Crocodile problem." You said sighing again.

You looked at the shadow.

"I should be able to be home in three days tops." You said turning around.

"I shall tell Pan right away." Shadow said.

"Good now be gone." You said walking away.

You walked back into Storybrooke and went to find Henry until you ran into Hook. You growled.

"What could you possibly want?" You asked as he came closer to you.

"You can't take the boy with you." Hook said.

"That's just to bad! Pan wants him and I am under Pan's orders." You hissed.

"By the way you seem around him it seems you want to protect him more than you want to take him." Hook said with a smirk.

You hesitated. He got you there. You really did want to protect Henry but from who. Yourself or Pan? You glanced at Hook.

"Why don't you just stay out of my business and I won't kill you." You said walking past Hook.

You found Henry in the park where he has always met you at since you have been here. You smiled as you came up to him.

"Want some company?" You asked in a kind tone.

Henry looked up and smiled at you. He moved over so you could sit next to him.

"(Y/N)... my mom's were fighting again. After we rescued Regina and lost Neil they only fight about me." Henry said.

You looked at him. Now's your chance. With the magic beans you took you could easily get him to Neverland.

"I might know a place where you could go. We could stay awhile together and come back when everything has blown over. They fight to much to notice you anyway. I've realized that Emma still doesn't believe a single word you say." You said taking his hand in yours.

He smiled at you and nodded.

"Okay. I trust you." He said.

You smiled and stood up. He followed you as you pulled him to the water's edge.

"Remember what I told you that day we first met?" You asked as you ran to the docks.

"Magic exists. All you have to do is believe." Henry said.

"Correct. Believe and magic will take you anywhere you wish to go." You said.

You finally made it to the docks and stood on the edge. You pulled out a magic bean and tossed it in the water. Henry gasped and looked at you.

"You destroyed the Magic beans!" He said.

"Henry it wasn't me. I just saved some of them to go home back to where I belong and now it will be your home too." You said.

You looked over as Hook and the group of everyone came running to the docks. You looked at Henry.

"Please trust me. I will be your family now. I will protect you but you must come with me." You said in a rush.

Henry looked back at his family that was yelling at us. He looked at you and nodded slowly. You grabbed his hand tightly and jumped into the water with Henry following you. The magic portal spit you on the beach of Neverland where you both landed in the sand. You groaned as you stood up. You were finally home but you were nervous. Pan would beat you for sure when he finds out that Henry's family was going to come for him. You sighed and helped Henry up.

"Come on. Camp is this way." You said taking his hand and leading him through the woods.

You kept him close not knowing what the other Lost boys were going to do to him. When you finally reached Lost Boy territory you ran through the woods to camp. You whistled to let the boys know it was you and not some stranger. You burst into the camp and was met with Pan and the Lost boys. Henry hunched over next to you trying to catch his breath.

"This is him?" Pan questioned.

You nodded.

"I have some bad news. His family will be coming for him. They saw us leave and will most likely come after him to bring him back to their world." You informed.

Pan grew angry. You were scared but you didn't show it. You stood in front of Henry to protect him and watched Pan wearily. He came toward you and gripped your shirt collar in his hand. He pulled you toward him so your face was inches from his.

"You let them follow you?" He growled.

"It wasn't my first choice sir. Those idiots you had me work with ratted me out the second they were in trouble. I did my best to go undetected." You informed.

"They will be coming for the boy soon so we must hurry the process along." Pan said letting you go.

"Sir they have no way of following us here. They two humans destoryed the magic beans they had growing in that world." You informed.

Pan turned quickly and slapped you hard. You stumbled and put your hand to your cheek. You could already feel the blood coming from your mouth and you spit it on the ground. You growled slightly but didn't do anything to stop Pan.

"For talking when not asked a direct question you should be punished but since we have a new brother joining us you will be spared until later. Understoond (Y/N)?" Pan said.

You nodded and looked down.

"Yes sir." You said.

"Show Henry to your tent (Y/N). He will be sharing with you for now." Pan ordered.

"Yes sir." You answered taking Henry's writst and dragging him to your tent.

You weren't ready to let Henry go. You took a glance at him.

This boy has changed me. Am I falling for the kid?


Sorry for the late update i didn't finish setting up my dorm till late. Part 3 coming when I get time. Also Comment for an imagine done! Will gladly do them if I get other ideas. The last two sentences is you thinking just didn't want to actually put it in the story.

Love you guys

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