#19 Family fight

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The Enchanted Forest ruled over by Queen Regina. The Land of Oz ruled over by Zelena. The two sisters being your family. Regina sent the Enchanted Forest to the dimension of Earth where magic doesn't exist. Zelena ended up following as Maid Marian. You. Well you watched from the side lines. You knew your sisters were crazy for power both of them wanting mother's respect but you, you could care less either way. You were a powerful witch and everyone knew that but you used your powers for neither good nor evil. You found joy watching from the side lines. You enjoyed watching the damage that Zelena and Regina left in their wake but this time you weren't enjoying it at all. Why? Well because this time they were fighting over you. This is happened many times before but never this bad. It drew the attention of Snow, Charming, Emma, Hook, and Henry, who were all standing on either side of you.

"(Y/n) join me. I can make you great." Regina said facing you.

"No (y/n) join me. I can grant your every wish." Zelena stated with a smile.

You looked between the two. Irritation showed on your face causing those around you to take a few steps back.

"Why would she join you Zelena? You were never in her life like I was." Regina yelled at Zelena.

Zelena scoffed.

"How would you know that? She was around me just as much as she was around you!" Zelena retorted.

"I was always there for her when she needed me!" Regina yelled throwing a fire spell at Zelena.

"She came to me when she was lonely!" Zelena yelled back also throwing a spell.

You watched as the spell throwing started ended up going crazy. You put up a barrier around the two witches as their spell throwing got out of hand. You were never one to get angry so fast but this time it was starting to greatly irritate you. You walked in between the two and used your magic to paralyze your two sisters. Irritation was clearly shown on your face as you shot the same looks at your sisters.

"Do I get a say in this?" You asked anger clear in your voice.

"Of course you do." Regina said.

"Well I don't see you two giving me a chance to speak here." You growled.

"We're sorry (y/n)." Zelena said.

"No neither one of you are sorry. Now stop your fighting before I end both of your existences." You growled out.

"Sorry (y/n)." They said at the same time.

"God both of you are acting like children. You two make me feel like I'm the oldest child." You said dropping your spell, "Now are you two going to let me speak or are we going to continue fighting?"

The both looked at each other than back at you. You sighed and took a calming breath.

"Okay. Now that you two are letting me speak for myself. I have never needed either one of you to help me. I have been perfectly fine on my own for many years. Now if you want my opinion I will not join either one of you. You two may be my sisters but I am perfectly fine on my own. Besides I enjoy being neutral. I will always be neutral." You said, "I am neither good nor evil and no one bothers me about it."

Regina and Zelena both stared shocked at you.

"Maybe when you two learn to get along for yourselves we can be the family I have always wanted us to be but right now, that will never happen. Not until you two control your anger with each other." You said, "If you excuse me I am going to be the greatest aunt in the world and take Henry out for ice cream."

You looked over at Henry and smiled. He smiled back at you.

"Come on Henry. Let's go get ice cream. Emma, Snow, Charming. You guys can come too. I'll pay for everyone." You said.

The five of you left Regina and Zelena standing there. The two of them just watched you walk away with unbelievable looks on their faces.

One day they will learn to be sisters and we can finally be the family I want us to be.


Here you go guys. ArlanHanson I hope that this is okay!

Comment more ideas!

Love you guys,


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