#17 Truest Believer Part 3

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"Show Henry to your tent (Y/N). He will be sharing with you for now." Pan ordered.

"Yes sir." You answered taking Henry's wrist and dragging him to your tent.

You weren't ready to let Henry go. You took a glance at him.

This boy has changed me. Am I falling for the kid?


A couple days have passed and Henry has stuck close to your side. You could tell he was frightened and you honestly didn't blame him. You were the same way. You looked up to Felix though. He was the big brother you never had. Of course as you got older and more mature you didn't look up to Felix as much. You didn't think Henry would ever get that far though. You protected Henry while he was here. If anyone, even Pan, came close to him you would glare and growl slightly.

"Why are you so protective of me?" Henry asked while you were both walking the perimeter.

You stopped and looked at him.

"Henry, has Pan told you what he intends to do with you yet?" You asked.

"Briefly." Henry answered.

You started walking again with Henry following.

"Neverland is dying and if Neverland is dying then Peter Pan is dying." You answered, "As for your part, you are known as the truest believer. You believe in us. The fairy tales from your book. You believe that everyone of us is real. With that your heart is what Pan wants. With your heart he will be able to stay alive forever."

You glanced back at Henry and noticed the look on his face.

"Don't worry. Stick close to me. I will protect you. No matter what. You are my responsibility even if you don't want to be." You said smiling reassuringly at him.

"Won't Pan know?" Henry asked.

"That I told you? Yes and I will probably be punished for it too but any punishment is worth it if it's for you." You said truthfully.

Henry held a small blush on his face. You smiled and stopped turning to look at him.

"Henry, I've been meaning to tell you something for awhile now." You said rubbing the back of your neck.

"Me too (Y/N)." he said.

"I am so sorry for bringing you here. I will do anything in my power to see you happy with your family again. Henry I think I might like you." You said quickly.

"(Y/N), I like you too. I don't want to go back to my family unless you come back with me." Henry said.

"I can't Henry. Peter doesn't let anyone leave the island. But you, you can. You can leave. You have the savior and Regina. You guys can make it back to your world." You said.

Henry took your hands in his and smiled down at you.

"(Y/N) I will not leave you here to suffer with Pan." Henry said, "I want you to come home with me."

You looked up at Henry.

"Yeah okay. I will go back to your world with you." You answered.

He nodded and you guys turned to leave. You glanced back at Henry as you were walking back to camp. As soon as you got there Felix came up to you.

"Pan wants to talk to you in his tent." Felix said in a monotone, kind of disapproving, voice.

You glared at him and looked over at Henry.

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