#7 Saving Wendy Part 2 of #3

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You were flying around Neverland enjoying the breeze in your hair. You were thinking about Wendy and her brothers. It's been a few years for Wendy's time. You would say about a couple years anyway. Soon enough you heard your name being called as a faint whisper. You grew confused as to why someone was calling your name. You flew higher in the sky and headed toward London. The whisper became louder and louder as you got closer to the voice. You stopped at an open window and sat on the edge of the window sill.

"Y/N." The voice said again.

"Wendy?" You questioned.

The said girl looked over at me but she wasn't a girl anymore.

"Wendy what happened to you?" You questioned confused.

"I grew up Y/N." Wendy said.

"Well I'm here Wendy. What can I help you with?"

"Y/N I want you to protect my kids from Pan. Please if you ever see them in Neverland send them home."

"You have kids?"

You were so confused. How old was Wendy? You looked over at the bed she was sitting on and there was a girl looking at you. She was exactly like Wendy when Wendy was younger.

"Wendy I don't know. I don't think I can. It was already difficult getting here without Pan knowing. She is an easy target for Pan and his Shadow. His shadow will most likely kill me instead." You answered.

"Please Y/N." Wendy begged.

You nodded.

"For you Wendy. Now I must go Pan is already about to kill me." You answered.

"Thank you Y/N." Wendy said with a smile.

You smiled back and floated out of the house and back to Neverland.

A couple Neverland days went by and that's when you felt Pan's Shadow bring people on the island. You stood up in your camp and bolted through the woods. Unfortunately for you it was Wendy's daughter. You sighed and landed quietly in the camp hiding and watching what Pan would do. Pan convinced the girl that everything was safe and secure with him. He had her almost convinced that you were the bad guy.

"Stop putting words into her head Peter." You said.

Pan smirked.

"I'm not putting words into her head." Pan said as Wendy's daughter turned toward you

"I remember you. Mum was calling your name and you appeared in my window." The girl said.

You glared at her. You didn't want Pan to know but it was to late now. Pan was furious. You crossed your arms.

"Leave the girl alone Pan. She's not yours to keep." You said.

"Oh Y/N. I'm not keeping her."

All of a sudden Pan's shadow ripped the shadow from the girl's body. You gasped in horror than looked at Pan in anger.

"Give it back to her Pan. Take mine instead. Punish me instead. She doesn't deserve this." You said.

Peter smiled and nodded at the shadow. Wendy's girl's shadow was returned to her and shadow faced you. He got right in your face but you stopped him.

"Wait!" You said, "let me take the girl home first than I am all yours."

The shadow looked at Peter who nodded in agreement.

"Alright." He said.

You reached your hand out to the girl and she took it tightly in her's.

"Let's get you back to Wendy now should we." You said with a small smile.

The girl nodded and you took off into the night sky. You brought her back to London and flew around letting her enjoy the view. She smiled and laughed the whole way home. Eventually you brought her back to her house and landed her safely on the window sill. You hovered outside the window.

"Take care of your mum now will you?" You said with a small smile.

"Stay here. You will be safe." The girl said with small tears running down her face.

You smiled and held her hand a little longer.

"I wish I could dearie. I wish I could. Wendy will take care of you though." You said.

Said women entered the room looking relieved as she saw us until she noticed her girl crying.

"Honey why are you crying?" She asked coming toward us.

"Y/N saved me mum from Peter Pan. She took my place." The girl said.

You looked at Wendy and landed on the window sill.

"Y/N?" Wendy questioned.

"Yes Wendy?" You answered.

"Thank you." She said with a smile.

You smiled back and looked back to the girl sadly.

"I won't be here to protect you anymore."

You stepped off the window sill into the room and the girl hugged you.

"I know I haven't known you long but thank you. Mum tells me all the stories about you. I will pass them on I promise." The girl said.

You hugged the girl back and she buried her face in your shirt. You looked at Wendy sadly as you let go of the girl.

"Good bye Wendy. Thank you for believing in me." You said as you backed toward the window sill.

Wendy also had tears running down her face and she smiled. You smiled back and took off through the window back to Neverland.

You landed in Pan's camp and stood in front of him. You were going to die but you didn't mind. You've lived for centuries. What better way to die than by the hands of Pan himself. You took a deep breath as Pan's shadow stood directly in front of you.

"Any last words Y/N?" Pan asked.

"Go to hell!" You said to Pan.

Pan laughed.

"You're already there honey." Pan said than the shadow flung his arm into your body gripping your shadow and pulling it out.

You stood for awhile before falling to your knees and black spots covering your gaze. Pan walked toward you and reached inside your body pulling out your heart. You fell to the side and slowly closed your eyes.

"Thank you Y/N. You were always there for me." Was the last thing you heard before your eyes fully closed and you died in Pan's camp by his hands.

Okay y'all please don't hate me but I needed to update and my dirty imagine with Peter isn't turning out how I want it so it's coming just very very slowly. But anyway here is a part two to #3 Saving Wendy

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