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Angie p.o.v

I looked up and went back as everyone was there confused. Ethan helped me up and i started bleeding from my nose. I saw Matt and he was bleeding from his lip and he had cuts and bruises here and there. They put bags over our heads well my head and i was pushed in the car. I felt someone next to me and by the ring on the finger it was Grayson so where the hell is Ethan....

A/n sorry guys again for this chapter but i need to tell you something....

I was joking its not the end of the chapter got u.


"Gray" i said

"Angie?!" He said

"Yea where is everyone else" i said

"I dont know i saw them put a bag over your head and Ethan and Matts and Annes and Noah and Your sister and then me" he said

"Anne was there" i asked

"She was pushed down the stairs" Grayson said

"Shit fuck" i said

Then i scooted over a bit but someone was there.

I slammed my head into his face.

"Fuck!!!" He yelled

"J-J-Jace" i said

"Im gonna kill you u dumb bitch" he said

I sat there quietly when the car had stopped.  They took us out of the car and we were sitting down on chairs. They took off my bag and put tape over my mouth.

I was sitting next to Ethan and Ariana and Grayson. Ariana was next to Matt and Anne. In front of us were the people i thought were my friends.
Thats right Troy, Derek, Lily, Brooke well actually i imagined her to be my killer tbh. Riley, Mason, Jace and the one that hurt me the most Hailey.

I looked at Matt and he had his eyes burrowed like if he wanted to kill one of them. So did Ethan and Grayson.

So i did the same.

"Don't do that dumb look" Hailey said

I stopped

"Brooke do what u gotta do but on the thigh try not to get an artery" Hailey said

Brooke started with Noah and stabbed his thigh. Then she went to Anne and did it and i saw Derek look away. Then Ariana and i cried and tried to get out then Matt and Ariana yelled.

Then Ethan and he squeezed his eyes shut. Then he opened them and looked at me.

Brooke skipped over me and stabbed Grayson in the thigh and Ethan tried to to move. Then she looked at me and  started to slide the knife down my thigh. Ethan started moving and muffling. Then she slammed it into me and i screamed but it was muffled and i closed my eyes and cried. Then our tapes were tooken off.

"R u okay Angie" Ethan said

"Im fine" i said stuttering

"Gray bro you good" he yelled

"Fuck and yea I'm fine" i said

"Ariana!!" I yelled

"Hello Ari" i said

I looked and she was passed out.

No no no no

"She is fine just fainted after you were stabbed" Matt said all drousy like.

I sighed in releif.

I looked at Hailey and she had a smirk on her face.

"Why are u doing this i thought we were family" i said

"You thought and idc" she said then kissed Mason

Derek and Riley untied me and then threw me on the ground. Hailey grAbbed me and held the knife up to my neck.

"I should just kill you right now and have your boyfriend watch" she said

"Stop!!" Gray and Ethan and Noah yelled

"Im not going to calm down well at least not yet now tell me Angie did u skit Daisys throat fast or slowly" she said

When she said slowly she slid the knife across my throat not to kill but she left a scratch.

She laughed. As everyone else was i quickly got up and ran to untie Ethan but was punched and thrown back to the middle by Troy. I slowly got up coughing because of the impact then Riley kicked me in my stomach.

"Stop!!" Ethan yelled

Then Jace punched me and i went down. Then they kept kicking me and punching until it stopped. I was so week and then Hailey slit my cheek open with the knife and i shrieked.

"Leave her alone" Ethan cried out he started getting mad and tried to get out of the rope that was tightly wrapped around his wrists.

Derek grabbed me and brought me up to Ethan and he kissed me. I pushed him away and he laughed before slamming me against the wall and choking me.

"Derek thats enough" Hailey said

He dropped me and i coughed and tried gasping for hair then he kicked my stomach so hard i coughed out blood and i was faded out and into reality. They put me back in the chair and tied me up again. I threw my head back but they put it back up. I was feeling so much pain and anger inside of me.

"Angie you okay" i heard Ethan say

"Angie" he yelled

"Angie hey its Grayson i meed you to nod your head for Ethan if u r okay" i heard

I nodded my head and i heard Ethan sigh in relief.

"Mason you know what to do" Hailey said

He walked to me and slapped me which woke me up. He grabbed Grayson.

"Hey hey hey wtf " Ethan yelled

They threw Grayson to the ground in front of Hailey. She stepped on his face pressing his face down hard against the floor.

Grayson groaned and she laughed. She stopped and then Mason cut under his chin just a little bit. Before stabbing in the same place that Brooke stabbed him but deeper.

I passed out.

I woke up in a different room my phone buzzed and i grabbed it.

Unknown: I see your in a bit of trouble i can help you but you have to meet me by the river no police.

Angie: oh okay

I was grabbed from the room and i was put back on the chair everybody was hurt and bleeding. Grayson the worst. Then all of a sudden somebody stabbed Riley repeatedly. She collapsed on the ground the person grabbed Hailey and had the knife to her throat walking towards us he cut my rope and i took out Ariana and Noah's and Matts out to go help him out then i untied Ethan's and Grayson and we walked out. Then i heard screaming and i can here Hailey choking or coughing and i kept running. what just happened there?

Unknown: Your welcome now you have 10 minutes to meet me there.

A/n hope u enjoyed this chapter guys.

Emoji of the day:😷

Love you guys stay Viciously Awesome!!! Xoxoxo.

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