The mistake

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Marco was heading back to his dorm from buying groceries when he passed by a movie theatre. He noticed a Thor movie poster and thought, "Whoa. Thor is being shown in theatres already. I should tell Jean about this." He stood there for quite a while thinking of how Jean would react. They haven't watched a movie together inside a movie theater before. Since Bertholdt and Reiner always invites them to watch movies in their dorm. He smiled at the thought of finally having a movie date with Jean.

People were already starting to stream out o the movie theatre when Marco saw Jean together with someone, they were holding hands and happily chatting. At first glance, he thought that it was Krista, but when he looked again he realized that it was Armin. They stopped walking in the midst of the sea of people and Marco saw Jean looking around as if he is searching for someone. Then Jean suddenly kissed Armin on his cheek near his lips and Armin smiled sweetly at Jean. After the quick kiss, Jean and Armin then parted ways, Jean heading back to his dorm and Armin to his apartment.

Armin was shocked when he saw Marco as he turned towards the direction of his apartment and tried not to say anything to him. He did not know what else to do. If he talked to Marco, he might ask questions and there is a high possibility that Marco saw what happened. But there is also a possibility that, Marco just happened to be there and did not see anything. Armin decided that he should just walk past by Marco, and yet he feels that cold stare following him.

Marco was in the process of cooking dinner for the two of them when Jean arrived. Marco slowly lifted his head, and tried to hide the sad look upon his face.

"I'm sorry I got late. I bumped into Sasha and she got a flat tire so, I decided to help her out. It was a really tiring task, I tell you. I got all sweaty because of that." Jean said as he was removing his shoes by the door.

"So, how was the movie? Did you have fun watching Thor?" Marco said in a cold icy tone and with an expressionless face.

Jean was taken aback. He did not expect this from Marco. "Did he see me kiss Armin? That is impossible, right? I checked. I made sure about it. I was careful." Thoughts ran around his head, he did not know what to do or even how to deal with this sudden confrontation.

"I..I...I did not watch the movie!  I....I wasn't even go near the movie theater!" Jean retorted and his voice was shaking in panic.

Marco walked towards Jean and showed him a movie ticket. "Then, please explain this. Armin dropped this awhile ago, after he parted with you."

Jean grabs the ticket and rips it into pieces and threw it on the floor. "You are just making things up! What is wrong with you?! You are not in your usual self! Go fix yourself!"

Jean storms out of the dorm and slams the door behind him. But he did not leave, he just stood there, thinking of all the things that he did and how he screwed up. A tear ran down his cheeks, he grabs his head with both hands, trying to squeeze all the bad things that he did. How he was being inconsiderate about Marco's feelings, and thinking of the reason why did he kiss Armin in public. His knees grew weak and slowly he sank on the floor crying and his heart was heavy and filled with regret. Marco on the other hand, picks up the pieces scattered on the floor and threw them away. He continued to cook dinner with tears running down his cheeks and the sharp pang of pain in his chest.

The freckled horse (Jean Kirschstein x Marco Boldt)Where stories live. Discover now