Chapter 14

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~Time Skip To The End Of Warped~

Rain's P.O.V

Today was a leaving day. It was a pretty sad day for me because I had met so many amazing people at the end of the tour I had basically known everyone and gotten their number. I had promised to stay in touch with them all and I meant that. 

At this moment the whole tour was in the airport, even the people who lived in the state we were in just to say good byes. We ended in Houston and apparently a lot of people lived here. I said bye first to all the crew that worked at my stage and I said a sad goodbye to Kenny who wouldn't let me go.

After that I said goodbye to All Time Low and Set It Off. I then said goodbye to Falling In Reverse and promised Ronnie that we would talk and feature him on my album when I release it. He was so nice to me that I knew I was going to miss him. After that I said goodbye to Four Years Strong, Mayday Parade, The Devil Wears Prada, The Story So Far, The Summer Set, We The Kings, Breathe Carolina, Less Than Jake, Motionless In White, The Ghost Inside and Yellowcard.

Than I said bye to Attila, Crown The Empire, Ghost Town, The Word Alive, Issues, Real Friends, SECRETS, Mod Sun, The Maine, This Wild Life, The Ready Set, We Are The In Crowd, Beartooth, Get Scared, Neck Deep, State Champs, and Pvris. After that I moved on to a sad goodbye to Austin and all of Of Mice & Men. I had been hanging out with them since I talked with Austin and it was going to be hard to say goodbye to them. 

I started with Phil. "Make sure that you text me I was to talk at least once a week..." He said. I smiled and nodded. "Trust me I will." I hugged him and moved to Aaron. "I am going to miss and make sure you text in the group chat I want to talk to you too!" Aaron said. I smiled and hugged him. "I promise." I smiled and moved to Tino. "I guess this is goodbye my sidekick." I said. Tino smiled. "Make sure that you call every now and then." He said. "I know." I smiled and gave me a hug. I moved on to the princess, Alan. "I am going to miss my red headed princess." I said. "Please visit me...." Alan said. "I know and I will." I smiled and hugged Alan before going to Austin.

"Thank you." Is all I said to him. He smiled and we hugged for the longest time. "Don't be a stranger if you need anything just text me." Austin said. I felt tears come to my eyes. I just had become so close with Austin that I didn't want to leave. I wish this tour was longer but I knew that this was going to happen at sometime and this isn't goodbye forever... I hope. "Don't cry I will see you soon." Austin said wiping my tears I nodded and moved forward with Kevin and Louis. I was going to California to work with a record company called Fearless Records. Kevin hooked me up with them and I was just really excited for this. I took a breath and let Kevin get my ticket. 

"You board with Louis in 5 minutes. Here" He handed me my check. "Oh I can't take this you did so much for me..." I said handing him the check back. "No take it." He smiled. "Are you sure?" I asked he nodded. "Okay thank you." I hugged Kevin for a minute or so before my plane was called. Louis took my hand and we waved to Kevin as we left for the plane.

Ash's P.O.V 

It was the asylum all over again except now I was alone. They put us in the new building and hired the same people they do the same things and basically it is like being back at Hetcherville. I hated that I feel for this. I knew it was because I fall for all this dumb stuff. If it was Rain she would look at him and scan him. Then her brain would tell her that it was one of the doctors. I just wanted her to come back and she probably hates me right now. I understand that though. Even if it was my real father I should have never left her. She was my family because I was left by my family. 

She was always there and he was never. I should have stayed. What was I thinking. And I bet she is getting hella famous right now too. I wish I could rewind time and tell that guy to go fuck off and just stay with her. UGH!

Rain's P.O.V

When we got off the plane it was like we went across the country. It was a long plane ride and Louis slept through the whole thing so I had nothing to do except annoy Austin (Which was what I did) but we finally got off and I had so much energy I could run 7 marathons and still have energy to run 3 more. I was not even a little bit tired. 

What I was really excited about was in 20 minutes I would go into the studio and ahhh! I couldn't contain my excitement. "Okay okay calm down." Louis said grabbing my hand as we left the airport. It was crazy got when we got outside but it was August so it made sense that it was hot out. I was so excited to be back on the ground and free that I just ran around Louis. "Okay." He grabbed my arm and we continued to walk. I frowned at Louis as we walked. He laughed a little and we got into his car. Oh I didn't mention Louis lives in Cali so I was going to stay with him until I got my apartment tomorrow. I was so excited to start new that I hadn't even thought about Ash. I calmed down and continued to text Austin. He told me how he had landed 2 and a half hours ago. I was so jealous that he was hardly on the plane for one hour.

"Okay so I officially hate planes. It is so long on a plane with no stops." I whined to Louis as I buckled and we left. He laughed. "You know nothing you slept through the whole thing!" I snapped in a joking matter. He laughed and I giggled along. We soon stopped at the record company. It probably took us around 10 minutes to get here but I was listening to the music in the car that the time just seemed to fly. We got out of the car and walked in.

I had to check in but there was no problems there the girl at the desk seemed young maybe 21 or around there. She led us back into the studio. We walked in after her and sat down as one of the managers sat down in front of us. "So you two are a band?" He asked. "No I am a band, alone." I said. He nodded. "Well Kevin sent you here straight from warped so that means something. Let's get in there and hear you." He said. I nodded he told me to sing the song in the video he showed which was the one song I used electric guitar for when I first got the electric. I walked into the recording kind of area I don't really know what to call it but this is where he wanted me. I sang the song like I wanted to sing it just imagining the instrument in my hands.

After he looked surprised. "That is a really good song. I actually really want to get right into writing music with you. I am Yakob or Jakob whichever is easier some call me Jak." He said smiling. I grinned and ended up staying there for around one hour writing music and all with him it was a lot of fun and we had some solid things. He told me to come back the same time next week which was 1:00 PM on Wednesday.... I was excited to come back.

Me and Louis went to his home after that. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked Louis as I looked around his apartment. "No but I know this girl who I really like. She works there." He opened the shades and pointed to a little store across the street. "I race down to see her every morning." He said. "Have you ever talked to her?" I asked. "No. I just act like I am going for a walk and watch her walk into the record shop..." He said. I grinned and nodded. "I promise I will be out early tomorrow." I said. "I don't care how long you stay..." He said. I shrugged and walked into a spare room he showed me.

It was simple just a white room with some band posters halfway down the wall the bed was against and then there were polaroids trailing down the rest of the wall. It was nice room. I was just happy I had somewhere to stay. I looked at one of the doors and walked over to it opening it slightly to reveal a bathroom that was white as well. All it had was a toilet, sink, and small shower. 

I smiled. I liked his apartment. I was pretty small but with all the windows it had it seemed more open. I was excited for tomorrow and the rest of the days counting down until next summer. I hope I am on warped again because honestly it was so much fun. I couldn't wait to wake up tomorrow. 

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