Chapter 31

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Rain's P.O.V

We had a pretty early show today. It was at 12PM at Right Foot Journey's. It was nice to have an early show because then I can just find Austin and be done with it. I didn't know why I wanted to be done with it so badly. I hated it when I was single. Everything was lonely but Austin just made me feel like someone was there but was just my best friend. I needed him to know my feelings.

I had soundcheck pretty early too. At 11:00. Vic was playing at 11. I shouldn't care but I wanted him so badly. I should be over him. Or maybe it was just a hard time for him and he needed some time. What if he is this amazing person now? Ugh, why was it so hard for me to decide. It should be easy. Did I want him more than Austin? Or did I need some time alone. Ugh.

I was currently walking to the line. I was going to meet Austin there but he texted me telling me he was going to be late so I just decided to see some of the fans. I mean they got me here. I forgot to mention they no longer have warped tour waters so that is kind of sucky but I still am going to see all the supporters. Some people were being let in for donating canned food, old phones or ipods, or $5. I walked over to some fans wearing my merch. They were talking a lot so I kind of just tuned in. "Number one goal is to meet Rain, I heard she likes to walk around." The first girl said to the other. She nodded. 

"I heard that too. I think for sure we are going to see her!" I wrapped my arm around them as we kept walking. They looked up at me and freaked. I laughed and hugged them. "I love you so much. I had just found you like 2 years ago but I love you ahhh!" The girl who was nodding to the other's girl responce said. I smiled and hugged her jumping up and down. "I. LOVE. YOUR. HAIR." I said jumping she laughed. "Can you be in my video?" She asked. I nodded. "Hello everyone." I made a heart with my hands.

"I love you all." I said smiling. "Make sure to follow...." I said. "Oh Jess." She giggled. "Follow Jess, she is so pretty and really amazing!" I grinned and made a heart again. She saved it and turned to me thanking me a million times. I laughed. "Of course!" I grinned and turned to her friend. "So you guys wanted to meet me?" I asked. They nodded. "Here is the trick." I led them to my tent. "LOUIS TWO PASSES!" I said. He threw me two.

I put them on them. "You stay in the back of the line to talk longer." I said. They giggled and hugged me before walking off. "Hey we have unlimited amount of these." He said showing me the passes. "Is that good or bad?" He asked. I laughed. "Bad." I said. We did that last year and we got mobbed. "I will control it better this time." He laughed. I giggled and turned to see some early entry people coming over to our tent. "Hello ladies." Louis said. They giggled. "Three passes?" He asked. They nodded. "$15." Louis said. I am assuming the father of the kids paid.

I was turning away so they did know who I was. I turned around. "OMG RAIN!" Someone in the group freaked and ran over to me with the others. "I can't take a picture because that is for the meet and greet but I can do this." I hugged them all. They all freaked and walked away laughing. I smiled. "I am on my way." I said. He nodded and sat back eating some of his food.  I shook my head and turned around to see Austin. "I thought you were going to be late.

"Yeah well I worked something out." Austin said leaning in to kiss me. It felt wrong but I had no choice and I kissed him back. Louis shook his head when I looked over at him. I rolled my eyes and walked away with Austin. 

I led him behind the tent. "Hey baby, I think we need to talk." I said biting my lip. Austin sighed. "Yeah I have something to say too" He itched his neck. I knew that this was going in the same direction. "Break up?" I said. He nodded. "I don't want to lose what we have though..." I said. Austin nodded. "Let's just rewind all of these months together and make it so that ways were have been friends through them all and are just really close now." I smiled. Austin nodded.

We hugged and went our separate ways. It was easier than ever. Why was it that way though? I should be in pain but instead I am just happy that it is over with. I just wanted thing to be okay. It was on my mind as I made my way to wherever my feet were taking me. When I looked up I was at Pierce The Veil's bus. I knew I was here for Vic but I didn't want to admit it. I wanted him back but I was too scared to tell him that. 

I was too scared to face what he would become, it happened once, I saw him transform into the drunk, and I didn't want it to happen again.

I walked away letting my mind take over. What would have happened if I did just go on that bus? Would things be different? Would I be seeing him tonight?

Vic's P.O.V

Jaime raced onto the bus. I was watching out the window because Rain was standing outside the bus. She had been out there for a good 10 minutes before Jaime came. As Jaime came closer to me she turned around and walked away. In my mind I was telling her to get on the bus. Come see me.

"Vic!" Jaime said jumping next to me. I wasn't really in the mood to talk but Jaime wouldn't let me off easy. "What?" I asked exhausted again. Since I saw Rain yesterday she was the only thing on my mind. I thought she wasn't coming this year because Andy, Tyler, Michael and Austin weren't going to be here but she was here. She and was still stunning as when I saw her a couple of months ago on the plane. 

"RAIN.... AND..... AUSTIN!" He said out of breathe. "Catch your breathe." I said. He did and turned to me again. "Rain and Austin broke up!" He said. I turned to him. "What?!" I asked. "Yeah I saw her doing it. She said something like that they were drifting apart and all that." Jaime said. But that never happened with me and Rain. I felt my heart skip a couple beats at that thought. She left him! "Weird." I said shrugging. "Come on we know you were waiting for that news." Jaime said rolling his eyes. "Yeah but it doesn't matter now does it?!" I asked. "She hates me!" I added. 

"Why was she standing outside the bus just watching the windows?" He asked. "I don't know but it was probably looking for someone else." I said. "I hope it was me!" Jake, our manager called, said. "SHUT UP ASSHOLE!" I called to him. I knew he had something for Rain but he knew that she was mine so he should just let it go. "Dude she is single he has the right to crush on her." Mike said. "I said that outloud?" I asked heating up. Jaime laughed and nodded. 

"I am going to my bunk." I sighed and moved past Jaime. I closed my bunk curtain and just thought until I was called to soundcheck. 

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