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Pearl: If you where in a desert,what would you expect?Lizards,Animals,birds?Well,if you answer Cyphadrome,You are correct.

Pit: Expecting powers from a land shark,he has all the powers of them.

Pearl: His common attack is Roar.At times,The roar can make the hunter flinch.And if one is far enough away,the roar has no effect

Pit: Tail whip can make an 180 degree turn and hits the foe with his tail.Head or tail.The attack is blockable.And it does medium damage.

Pit:  Jump sand blast can make him dive into the sand,Jump out next to the target,and spit/shoot sand blasts at the foe.The attack is once again blockable.And it has medium range. 

Pearl: Sand blast can fireoff blasts of sand when on the ground. It is also not blockable and has a medium range.

Pit: The hip check can turn its right hip towards the for and slam them down with it.its blockable,yes,but its does medium damage.

Pearl: the flying stun can fly out of the sand towards the for,making them have paralysis. Its blockable and does medium damage.

Pit: The horizontal sand blast can fire off powerful sand at nealy 180 degrees. Its not block able and it once again does medium damage.

Pearl: The last attack is slither. If it jumps off the sand, it will slither on the ground for a moment.its blockable and it does low damage.

Pit: But its feats are something else. It has good hearing,is always leading a pack of Cephalos,Can glide through sand at great speeds,is  actually rather stealthy, despite it's size,and Known for devouring large amounts of sand to use as projectiles

Pearl: But it does have weaknesses. Its weak to ice and lightning attacks,has poor eyesight,against sharp eyesight,not as powerful as other monsters,and neck and underbelly are the most vulnerable places.

Pit: But cephadrome is the most powerful land shark.

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