You done know half of the abuse £ chapter 1

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                  As the leaders of the Dollars, I never wanted much gratitude towards others

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                  As the leaders of the Dollars, I never wanted much gratitude towards others. After getting out of the hospital I realized that, I lost my mind, my friends, trust, and myself. After coming out of my coma, Aoba kept started toying around with me, we started to got on dates and soon he moved into my house. I quiet being the leader of the Blue Squares, Aoba took over.  The site of the world, Aoba started  beating me up every other day, telling me how worthless I was, not letting me leave the house, he took my phone and broke it and wont let anyone come over. He says 'he loves me' so I assume that its ok that he hurts me. When ever I check on the Dollars he hurts me and says that's a waste of time. One day I had a breaking point and went to the bathroom and started cutting myself and stopped eating, Aoba noticed and told me to keep it up, that it was good to do that. Izaya stopped by one day and found me on the floor crying with a gun in my hand. Ever since then he stopped joking around with me and started to pop in my life as my guardian, and that brings us to this day.


               " MIKADO LET ME IN.. please, don't " I finally unlocked the door and ended in Izayas Embrace. " Hey.. Hey, its  okay.. do you want to come stay at my apartment for a few days, I am having a party any way, it'll be fun " He tried to cheer me up and looked down on my body I was in my boxers and Aobas long hoodie. The gun was on the floor and Izaya picked it up and threw it in the garbage. " Lets get you washed up, Okay!" I nod, I took off my shirt off and Izaya looks all over my bare skin. " Oh, Mikado.. you really need to tell him to stop, this is nonsense, I mean look you have bruises all over" He stated and grabs a cloth and wipes the blood off of my skin. " But... I .. love him.." I started crying more. I know this is wrong but I don't want to leave him. " I know.. but it's wrong, this is not love..?" He looks up at me and out some bandages around my cuts and he takes off his coat, he puts it on me.

            " Better.. Huh??" I nod and tears kept on falling down my face. Izaya wipes them away. " Your still blooming and that means you don't need this.. now go get some clothes to go and meet me in my car " Izaya smiles and messes up my hair, he walks out the back door, to his car. I run to my room and start packing and grab my bag and the phone rings.


       I pick it up and answer it " Hello.. Aoba?" I said well shaking. " What the hell, is your problem, I was calling worried sick about you.." I try to say something through the phone " I know I'm so-" " STOP MAKING EXCUES, YOUR MY BOYFRIEND.. YOU SHOULD ANSWER WHEN I SAY SO.. YOU STUPID PEACE OF SHIT, I'll be home later to night or not, I'm busy with the Gang okay." I don't answer him " Hey fag, is that okay.. FUCKING ANSWER.. FAGIT-" I hang up and walk out to Izayas car, locking the door behind me. Tears are built up in the back on my eyes. I open his car door, and he sits my bag in the back. 

             I look over at Izaya " I'm a fag, aren't I.. I love him.. but he says I'm a fag?"  Izaya looks me deep into my eyes " No, Mikado you are the most, smartest person I ever met, don't let his thoughts get to yours.. like said before you deserve bet--" I meet Izayas Lips and closed my eyes and open them to see that his eyes are wider then mine.

           I gasp for breath, " Sorry, I use you.." Izaya hugs me and starts driving to his house. " Your not, I'm the one that used you as a object on my game chess board... I should be sorry" I nod a no and look over at him and my scares " Where here..!!" He opens my car door and grabs my bag, as we head up stairs Izaya grabs my hand starts running and opens the door very slowly.

" SUPRISE " all of my friends scream and celti comes over to me and types, 'Hey Mikado, surprise, it's your birthday happy b-day <3 ... and are you okay, has Aoba still been abusing you.? :{' Izaya smiles and answers for me " Yes he has Celti, Thank you all for coming.. what a surprise I never knew the people that hated me would come, anyways.. Happy seventeenth birthday, my dear Mikado..!!!" we walk in the room and I'm greeted again by all the people that love me.

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