Don't you worry, we got this.Chapter 18

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A/n : I changed the title because I thought it fit the story more.

         " Mikado.. wake up. Can you hear me." I hear Izayas voice and I hear Haru crying in the background. I open my eyes slowing and see Izaya crying, he puts his hand on my check. " I'm sorry I didn't tell you anything Mikado, people just threatened me with our relationship and our baby. I didn't want for you and my baby to get hurt. So I was planning to leave and then you came. " He looks at me looking for an answer. I reach out my arms to my husband and hug him. He tightens his grip on me. Compared to Izaya I'm way shorter than him, so of course my head has to be laying on his chest. I start to fall asleep on his chest, the smell of Izaya next to me is comforting enough to know he wont leave. " Please don't ever leave." I mumbled under my breath. He plays with my hair as I fall to sleep in his arms. 

{} Izayas POV {}

            I don't feel like I mess up things in life when I have Mikado in my arms. He's still asleep in my arms and I haven't ignored my child either. Haru is sound asleep on Mikado's chest, I put him their. But I have my arms around both of them. Haru is a very quiet baby, he really takes after Mikado. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket, I got a text from Namie.

Namie- Izaya, why didn't you get on the plan to get the hell out of Ikebukuro.?

Izaya- Because.. I realized it was stupid to leave my only child and Lover here alone. What if they got targeted.?

Namie- .... Well now outside of your office that women is waiting for you. She's threating to kill you, why didn't you have her dealt with if you where going to stay.?

Izaya- Well, Mikado came for me crying in the airport, Shinra guessed he would. Tell Shizuo to deal with the women or even kill her I don't care. She isn't going to Target you or anyone.!

Namie- Okay then, have fun with your dear little Mikado.!

           I roll my eyes at her text message and turn off my phone then put it back into my pocket. I put my arms on both of the two boys on top of me. I feel Mikado move above me, I grab Haru and move away from Mikado. I rock Haru so he doesn't start to fuss. I walk to his room and put him in his crib well moving his blue blanket on top of him till it reaches his chest. I move my hand to his face and move away his bangs. He sleeps through anything and everything, I wonder if he will be like that when he gets older. I walk out of his nursery into the living room. I see Mikado sit up and strectch well rubbing his eyes. He turns around to see me and I come over from behind the couch and kiss him. His eyes are wide and lustful. I step back and jump over the couch to sit next to my husband well putting an arm around him. He looks at me and keeps silent, I know something is bothering him. " Mikado why are you so depressed looking.?" He sighs and tuches his face. " I don't know I just am, life has been stressful since my baby was born." I nod and move him closer to me. " What kind of stressful.? Or what's bothering my little Mikado.?" He shrugs my arm away and sighs again. His eyes are filled with left over tears from this moring. He lets a few fall. I stay my distance but he grabs my right hand with my wedding ring on it. " Honey.. I know you really get high pay for your job but don't you think its not safe anymore, for me or you. Even the dollars is to much for me. A coward that's trying to push away his own husbands job." He says looking away but gripping my hand. He covers his mouth well he cries.

            "...." I stay silent and let him cry before answering. " you know I'm worried to.. And your not pushing away my job. You just don't need to worry about it." I open my eyes in shock as what I said from my ending senctence. Mikado looks furious " I DONT WANT TO NOT WORRY BUT.. IM YOUR HUSBAND, I CAN WORRY ABOUT YOU AND ANYTHING THAT INVOLES YOU.!" he says well looking deep into my eyes. I nod " Mikado I didn't mean to piss you off.. I just don't want you to worry about my job or me and my job. You don't need to worry like Aoba use to make you worry. " He looks at the floor. He storms to our room and locks it. I get up and run after him but then hear him balling. I sit next to the door And let a tear fall down my face. " I'm sorry Mikado.. You miss heard me. I don't have to give people Info anymore or do stupid request for loads of money. I can go back to finding simple Information for my clients. And it won't get me involved in any of the crimes or gangs downtown." He unlocks the door slowly he's hiding something from me from behind him. He looks even more sad then before. My eyes widen as he drops a pregnancy test on the ground well crying and falling into my arms. I grip onto Mikado and still don't hear Haru crying through this. " I-m sorry. I-I never meant to yell at you about your job. I just can't controll my emotions. " He says well shaking. I grip onto Mikado knowing about whats going on and why he just had a mood swing. I kiss his forehead to calm him down, I slowly sit down on the floor and He starts to ball agian. He shakes well he says his next words " I'm p-p-pregant agian... I'm sorry, I'm so fucking stupid. I didn't mean to get p-pregant agi-" I kiss Mikados quivering lips. He stops crying " its okay Mikado, we both made it happen. I didn't use protection I'm guessing and went to far." He smiles and then sighs. " sorry. But won't this be hard, we just had Haru and another baby, won't it be hard.?" I nod and smile at my husband. " Don't worry, We got this. We got each other and nothing stands in our way." He smiles agian but with relief. I Smooth out his hair and rub his stomach, just like the time I found out about Haru. " Have I evolved yet Izaya.?"                   


I look up at Mikado and smirk

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I look up at Mikado and smirk. " Not yet sugarplum." He looks me in the eyes confused. " I still have to evolve you in a way no others can.!"


A/n- I can not explain how happy I am for you reading my story, I truly love you all.! Now I must say sorry for slowest of updating, I really couldn't think of anything to do e up with till I finally got ispired by people around me. Thanks agian for supportting me on my journey off writing the rest of the book. I truly don't Have writers block anymore.!
-AngelTwoAngel. <3

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