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Life has a habit of moving on. It didn't matter what happened; no death, no tragedy, no power can stop the world from turning on its axis. No matter what happened, sooner or later the world would forget, moving onto something new; carrying on with their mundane life and worrying about mundane problems. Time is like a river flowing towards the sea; no matter many pebbles you throw in, the ripples would die down and the river would continue its course.

Of course, that was before the bio-nuclear bombs.

Or so I have been told.

My grandfather was born before the bombs exploded. He told me countless stories and anecdotes about what life was like in what he called the 21st century and droned on and on about our family legacy. When I was younger, I used to be entrapped with the glories and adventures; however, to me now they were just stories, a world where there were rules, compassion: a world of order. This was not the world we live in now.

The streets were dark and ominous, abandoned cars lay on deserted corners smashed or broken. The once glamorous skyscrapers have lost its charm, tattered and tainted by weathering marks and bullet holes. Every sign of life seemed to have gone in the street, making it eerily silent. The city was a wasteland stinking of death and destitution.

Yet if you looked carefully, you could see movement in alleyways, barely recognizable creatures crawled through the streets, wary of one another as they comb through the ruin of a city for shelter and food, seeking to extend their life for one more day with whatever means possible. And a notch above them in terms of desperation there were us, human surviving and salvaging what we could in an attempt to outlive one another, and this diseased world we lived in.

We weren't living. We were surviving.

So this was the moment where the river changed its course. And those who depend on the river must go along with it. The world still didn't care; it continued to spin on its axis and we were nothing but a blimp in the grand river of time. The water, however, was now turbulent. And in that river, I was no more than just a water flea skimming on its surface.

But that wasn't what my life was meant for. And this is my story.


Since Evolution (and the changes made) has yet to be published, I am not going to update until it is out. Meanwhile, you can read Escape - which is an incident that will happen very early on in the story and give you a taster, if you haven't already (it's a short story in my profile).

To keep you entertained (at least a little), I have revealed some of my ideal cast of the Originals - aka the people who I envision as them when I am writing.

If you are excited about Evolution being self pub or the story of the Originals, comment below and give this a vote!

The Dark Ages: Convergence (Prequel to the P.O.E. Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now