Chapter 23 - "All Time Low..."

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Chapter 23 - "All Time Low..."

'So those of you that are coming on the cabin trip at the end of January your final payments are due next week. Please make sure they are paid' Mr Reynolds explained at the front of the hall as he rambled on about everything in school life.

John had already paid his final sum and was depressed about that. He never wanted to go on the stupid trip in the first place because he was afraid of the socialising aspect but when he found out that Richard was coming he was a little happier about going.

The only thing that really depressed him was that he would still be recovering in January most likely and still unable to completely walk - which was the main reason he was now not so up for going on the stupid trip.

He had however found out that Clara was coming on the trip which meant that he could be on her team and spend time with her outside of the school.

By the time morning assembly was over he waited for the hustle and bustle of people to leave the hall so that he didn't get crushed by everyone then made his way up to double media.

He liked media a lot more now than he ever used to. Especially since he is still working on the project with Clara, Amy and Rory.

He whizzed his way up to the classroom and sat at their usual table next to Amy and chatted to her for a bit whilst he waited for Clara to turn up.

He distinctly remembered not seeing her in assembly because she always sat in the same chair and her chair was empty. But John didn't think anything of it.

'Where's Clara? This film editing will be a shambles without her' Amy said, annoyed to admit it but it was true that she was the glue holding this whole group and film together.

'Dunno. She didn't text this morning so I'm guessing not in' Lilly said with her head in her hands my really wanting to spend the next two hours with Amy and John but the problem wasn't so much them - because since she had been forced to hang out with them by Clara - she had found that John wasn't such a bad guy.

She just didn't like being seen with them. Especially without Clara because she has the popularity to withstand it - Lilly doesn't. People just think of Lilly as Clara's friend.

After double Media and the worst and most unorganised editing in the world, John trudged towards English on his crutches and stood outside the classroom as he felt his phone vibrate.

He wasn't quite sure how to respond because all he got from his 10 texts to her was a I'm fine quite literally written "fine" which John knew straight away meant that she wasn't fine.

So he took it amongst himself to go to her house after school to see just how she was. He assumed that she was just sick bunt that wasn't the simple scene he was greeted with when he got to her house.

- - -

Clara was starting to think that she was cursed. Everything in her life was going completely wrong.

A year ago on this day she had lost her Mother in a car accident but little did she know that she would soon be racing to the hospital for the very same reason - but not for herself.

She was intrigued by the ring of the doorbell at exactly 15.42 because that's usually the time that she gets home from school on an average day.

Either way she jumped up and answered the door.

She hadn't been to school that morning because she just couldn't look anyone in the eye today.

She had kept a brave face for a year but this day was hers. All hers. She didn't want to think about anyone else or do anything other than think of her Mum today, which is why she had begged her Dad to let her stay home from school.

He of course didn't have the same outlook even though he was far too fragile on this day to go to work.

He was still grieving his wife as any man would be after having been without her for a year and looking at the spitting image of her every day, but there was nothing Clara could do about looking like her.

'John?' Clara mumbled looking down at her feet suddenly feeling very vulnerable being seen in her fluffy white onesie and fluffy socks.

'Are you Clara or the Easter bunny?' John smirked, looking at Clara's adorable get up. If he hadn't been so afraid she wouldn't punch him in the face he would have told her that. She looked so cute he just wanted to squidge her.

'Awe. Maybe I am the Easter bunny' she joked but it felt wrong and alien to be making jokes on this day.

'I just wanted to check you weren't dying of the bubonic plague' John smirked as Clara's eyes started to well up with tears. 'Oh shit what did I say' he panicked hobbling toward her.

'It's nothing. It's not your fault' she assured him but turned to run for the lounge leaving it open for John to invite himself in.

So he did exactly that.

Clara's home was very warm and welcoming, with pictures of Clara hung on pretty much every corner, as a baby, as a toddler and what looked like a picture of her on her first day of school every year since she was 2.

He gently closed the door leaving a small slamming sound to vibrate in the air before following her tracks into the lounge.

He found her on the sofa, a few tears prickling her eyes but not escaping and sat with her knees to her chest.

'Clara. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry'

'It's not your fault. I promise' she mumbled feeling like she was at an all time low right now.

John still wasn't sure what was going on as they sat in a deep silence. She refused to say anything and wouldn't admit it but she was enjoying his presence even if they weren't talking.

The silence however was broken as the home phone rang but Clara refused to budge an inch, and John's need to not ignore the insistent ringing escalated and his curiosity peaked as he picked up the phone.

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