Chapter 60 - "Charity..."

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Chapter 60 - "Charity..."

John had tried his upmost best not to make eye contact with Lilly but he knew she was there and she knew he was there.

If Lilly was honest this was not how she wanted to spend her afternoon. It wasn't as if she was even the one who needed the help. She was only here because her Mum had asked her to go.

It got the girls out of the house.

Lilly's little sisters Isla and Libby were just 5 and 7. She enjoyed spending time with them but they were a pain in the ass.

At least that was one thing that Richard and Lilly had in common... they both looked after their younger siblings and they both knew how exactly to look after kids.

Not that it was a useful skill to have yet but the instinct was there for later (away in the future).

Either way she walked her sisters over to the table where John was doing some sort of creative design thing with a group of kids and quickly walked away.

Unfortunately for Lilly, John set off the activity and then stood up making his way towards Lilly.

He wanted answers,

- - -

'This isn't exactly the kind of place I would expect to see you' John hummed handing Lilly a plate with the donut on.

John was still in shock as was Lilly. The only difference was that John knew how to handle that shock and make peace of it whereas it seemed Lilly didn't quite.

She scoffed and went to walk away but John caught her wrist and made her stop. 'You can tell me the reason you know?'

This was a safe place.

John might be really close with Clara but he wouldn't tell her anything like this.

He's pretty good at keeping secrets if he was honest.

'Well I didn't exactly expect to see you here' Lilly grumbled taking the plate because actually the donut looked pretty appetising if she was honest.

'My Mum works for these charities. I dunno why? I just get dragged into them when it's the half term for something to do - and in all fairness it does keep me occupied' John admitted.

'How do I know you won't go and tell Richard my business?' Lilly huffed. 'It's not like we particularly like each other' Lilly groaned.

'Well I won't tell him if you wont' John shrugged.

Lilly sighed and looked around the room to make sure that nobody was listening in not that they would be... and even if they were - what difference would it really make?

'I'm not just a pretty face and blonde. Popular - snobby - people have a hard time too' she mumbled.

'Well I'm not popular at all and my life is a mess... So yeah'

'My Mum and Dad are in a bit of a rough patch that's all. All they ever do is argue. Mum kicked Dad out a couple of weeks ago and since then all Mum has done is struggle. I would have thought that he would have come back by now and he hasn't and I'm pretty worried. Mum lost her job which was no doubt thanks to him and to be honest it's just been a bit shit. At least coming here it gives the girls something to do. And you were quite good at keeping them occupied' Lilly said enthusiastically.

'Well... Glad to be of a service' John said with smock salute.

'You won't tell Richard or Clara will you?'

'Nah. I'm not a grass. It's your personal stuff not mine. If it's any consolation I can relate? My Dad fucked off with a woman a year ago leaving my Mum in a right royal state... now she's just miserable and focuses all her attention on me and myDad just sleeps with every woman in London that is at least 15 years younger than him' John shrugged helping.

The story of his shit might help Lilly cheer up and realise that she and him can bond.

John had realised long ago that Richard was his best friend and so he had to accept Lilly. Whilst Lilly was also Clara's best friend so he had to accept her there as well. All they really have to do is just get along.

'Well... at least I'm not the only one going through crap' she shrugged jumping up as Marion had laid out a bite to eat for everyone.

She was quite a proud person and wasn't much into the idea of charity... but in this case John had been if good use.

- - -

'You alright?' Richard asked as he walked into the smith household like another member of the family.

Marion was so used to having half of the neighbourhood in her house recently that she didn't even question it when Richard came in and followed John up to his room.

'I'm thinking that maybe I should just get past it?'

'I could have told you that. You took all this way out of proportion' he said with an eye role.

'Make sure you treat Lilly to something nice on Saturday. She deserves a good Valentine's Day' John mumbled.

'What's made you say that?' Richard scoffed already having plans for Valentine's Day but John made it sound pretty gloomy there. 'Last time I checked you wasn't a big fan of Lilly and said you couldn't stand to make conversation with her alone' Richard mumbled.

'A persons opinions can change' John mumbled. 'Anyway in going to order some flowers and some balloons to send to Clara on the day - I was wondering if you wanted to do the same thing whilst your here?'

'Maybe. I mean I've got plans of my own as well but sounds good. Does Clara know your going to forgive her?'

'Nope. Because I'm not strictly forgiving her... I'm just forgetting' John hummed.

He doesn't want to be known as the pushover boyfriend. He doesn't want Clara to think that she is one up form him even though she so clearly is. 

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