Chapter 1: Goodbye England .... For Now!

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(Alarm rings) I slammed my hand on the alarm clock to knock it off. Gosh I must have hit the snooze button a million times, I rolled over and picked my phone up to looked at the time.

You have 26 missed calls of Sara.

Shit!! It was 10:20AM, I was supposed to met Sara at 9 to catch my flight to LA!! I got up and rushed to get ready, no makeup and wearing jogger bottoms and this old baggy top. My suitcase was already to go, I grabbed my phone and whizzed out of my apartment. "Hey Sara!! ....... No sorry I'm late, I woke up late...... No I know..... Yes I am on my way now to the airport, where are you? ........ Okay out the front yeah? ...... Alright see you in a bit..... Bye..... Bye."

Around 20 minutes after I got off the phone to Sara I arrived at the airport, it was now around 11AM. We rushed to the checking desk "Hey we were supposed to get onto the 9AM flight to LA" Sara said as she was trying to catch her breath "When is your next flight to LA? Any chance it's today love?" I really was hoping that there was a flight today, otherwise I dunno what I would do.

Oh my gosh, how rude of myself.... I am telling you my story but I haven't introduced myself. My name is Crystal and I am 18 years old, I work as a blue coat or as some people call it these days a 'holiday entertainer.' Me and Sara have been best friends for around 7 years now, and we have booked a holiday for 2 months to go to LA.
Sara is from LA so she knows everyone and everything that goes on there. Anyway back to the story.

"There is a flight leaving here are 2PM but second class is all full sorry, I could maybe get you into business class?" The lady said, she was very lovely to be fair, and very helpful, "yes please, how much will that cost" Sara asked whilst getting her purse out. "Oh no, you don't have to pay extra Hun, I know who you are related to its alright I'll pay the extra amount for you honestly" The lady kept smiling and looking at Sara, at this point I am so confused, who is in her family that she doesn't have to pay extra for a plane? "No, no, no, no, we will pay it, I can't have someone I don't know paying for me and my friend, but that is awfully nice of you thank you very much" Sara is such a sweet person and she can't have anyone pay for her, I dunno why, I would have said you can if you liked but then that's me haha.

"If you say so, that will be £200 please for the both of you" The lady sounded so upset and disappointed. "Okay here you go, and this is for you" Sara handed the lady the money and also a note, "thank you so much, have a lovely day" the lady said whilst looking at the note, and smiled at us.

We then walked around the airport and waited for our flight to come in, "what was on the paper you gave that lady?" I asked Sara quietly. "Oh nothing, don't worry about it Hun" I knew she was lying to me but what about I wasn't sure, I just brushed it of my shoulder.

We then finally landed in LA which can I just tell you, compared to English weather, I felt like Olaf from Frozen melting. It was so warm, lucky I wasn't wearing any makeup, otherwise it would have just melted off my face.

Sara drove us to her house, and I have never been to her house before but it was legit a mansion, it was huge. She had an outdoor swimming pool and jacuzzi and an inside swimming pool and jacuzzi, she also had a tennis course, and cinema, and theatre, five walk in wardrobes, five makeup rooms. It was heaven.

After we changed, unpacked and I had a tour of the house Sara asked me "hey should we go and grab something to eat? Anywhere you wanna go name somewhere" she smile. "That's so sweet of you, but I don't know any places around here, so you decide" , "okay how about we just go to in and out and then we can go to a proper restaurant another time, yeah?" Sara smiled and looked at me, "yeah that sounds cool, let's go" I grabbed my bag and we shot off to her car.

Her phone started to ring, and she answered it in the car she pulled over because she didn't want me to hear what was being said, "hello this is Sara ....... Oh hey ........ I am great thanks, yourself? ......... Yeah, yeah she is right here with me ........ I'm sure you can't ....... Yeah neither can she love ........ Yeah ...... We are off out to grab some lunch why? ....... Ummmmm how about we plan something for tomorrow? ....... Yeah ...... Could go to the movies ...... Yeah, okay well you book them now then and we will see you tomorrow ...... Okay bye ..... Bye." Sara smiled as she hanged up and put her phone down, she then indicated and then drove off like nothing happened. "Ummm Sara, who was that?" I was trying to sound naturally and not pissed off or confused and all these emotions I was actually feeling inside, "Ahhh just my cousin, don't worry about it" , "is this the famous relative?" I was starting to sound cocky now, because she was truly pissing me off, I wasn't having it. "Yes now please, can we forget about this and just grab some food?" , "fine, guess I don't have a choice do I!?"

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