Chapter 3: So Where You From?

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"Right, well you two stay here, get to know each other a bit more whilst I go and grab the tickets and popcorn alright" Sara smiled at Zak and winked at me, as she passed me she whispered to me "and Cryst don't forget stay calm, don't freak out. Something might happen if everything goes smoothly" Something will happen? What was she on about?

"So I have been told a lot about you, and everything I have heard sounds amazing. Tell me, what do you do for work?" Zak came and sat down beside me and the edge of the fountain, "I work as a holiday entertainer in Haven down in Blackpool, I dunno I you have heard of that place" , "I have actually, never been there though, so, do you enjoy it?" He sounded so friendly, like you could talk to him for hours, and he was so interested in what I had to say, "Yeah, I mean I get to make people smile, it's definitely a passion I have in life, entertaining. When you're on stage and you see someone smiling just makes your day that little bit more special you know" I looked at him, he had the most gorgeous blue eyes you could imagine, and his hair was jet black, he had very high cheekbones, I think God sent an angel down. "I completely get what you mean, what other passion do you have or hobbies?" , "well I also do ghost hunting, I dunno if Sara mentioned that. I have my own little team, there's only 4 of us mind and Sara comes along now and again, oh I also love playing mini golf, and to be honest not to toot my own horn, I'm quite good at it" I smiled and so did Zak "well not to toot my own horn, but, I'm pretty good at mini golf too. Guess I will have to challenge you sometime, how about today? Me, you and Sara can be the judge" I looked at him and smiled "You my friend have just made yourself a deal! And I will definitely win!" , "Aha, we will see about that." We both looked at each other and smiled, "HEY! YOU TWO!! Come on the movie is going to be starting now!!" Sara shouted from the entrance of the cinema, she made me jump and Zak just smirked.

We both walked over to Sara and we all got popcorn and went to our seats. I was sitting between Sara and Zak, which was exciting. The movie started and we obviously all watched it through, I jumped so much, and even bumped Zak's hand once or twice. Sara kept pushing me towards him, and I did feel like I was invading his personal space a lot.

"That was such a great movie" I said to them both and just smiled, "I really enjoyed myself today. Haven't had a good day like this for a while" I smiled at them, "Hey, why don't we all go back to my place and have some drinks?" Zak suggested as he got up out of his seat, "Sounds like a plan, but I won't drink hun, gotta drive us home" Sara replied, "oh don't be silly cuz, you two can stay over mine for the night!" , "Are you sure? I thought the boys were over tonight?" , "Nah I cancelled the night with them to come out here!" I just looked at the floor and smiled "Yeah I'm up for that, should we go?" I smiled as I got up out of my seat and grabbed my handbag, "Yeah, do you wanna come in my car Cryst? We could talk more? Or you can go with Sara" I just looked at Sara, I didn't know what to say, I wanted to go with him but I didn't know. "Yeah okay, see you at his then Sara!!" , "Alright! Drive safe and no kissing please!!" We all laughed.

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