Chapter 4: Tell Me More

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We started to drive off, "I didn't say inside because Sara was with us, but you do look beautiful" Zak said as he looked over at me and smiled, I started to blush and my cheeks went bright red, I have always had a crush on Zak, I love him and his show so much so to be in the same car let alone what he said to me was all so surreal. "Aww thank you so much, can I just say something in advance please?" , "Of course" , "Because I am such a massive fan I'm sorry if I freak out or anything. I just can't get over the fact someone I love and see on TV is related to my best friend!"

I kept staring straight ahead, hoping not to make eye contact because I would just feel so awkward. "Aha, that's alright. No need to be sorry about it...... Sooooo...... Tell me a bit more about yourself, your life story don't leave anything out, I am very intrigued!" I took a deep breathe, try not to sound stupid or anything now Cryst, "Well where do I begin?? I was born January 29th 1998 and I was born in a place called Blackpool in England. I lived with my mum and dad. At the age of 3 I started to dance, it has always been a passion of mine. I got into Musical Theatre from a very young age and later on in college that's what I studied. At the age of 10 I sadly lost my parents in a plane crash" Zak gasped, "I am so sorry" he put his hand on my knee, "It's okay, I then went and lived with my Sara's auntie which ..... Wait what!!" , "Yes my mum found out that your parents had died and I knew but obviously didn't want to bring it up, she couldn't leave USA to look after you so her sister, Sara's auntie and mine came to look after you" He looked over at me, "Wow, yeah nothing much really happened after that, but I have always had one dream and goal in my life which I haven't got to yet" Zak stopped at a red light and looked over at me with a great big massive smile, "And what is that goal in life?" , "To move to the US and have my own ghost show or be on one either one would do to be honest" Zak chuckled.

We then pulled up in his drive, "Well it was amazing having this one to one time, looks like Sara beat us here" we both chuckled and looked at each other. "So how about you, what's happened in your life then?" I smiled as I turned to face him. "Well I was always the one to charm the ladies. And around the age of 20 maybe 22 I met this amazing girl. I loved her, I thought she was the one for me, the one I was going to marry and have kids, grow old together and everything..... Well I was wrong" he looked away and looked out his window, "Can I ask what happened" I swallowed hard hoping I didn't make him mad or anything, "Yes of course, basically she was having an affair for 3 years of our relationship and we were seeing for 5 years, I was going to propose to her but my mate told me and showed me proof. So from that day I have never dated again, and I have always loved being single, but I think that might change" he smiled and looked at me.

What was he saying? Someone cheated on him!? Why? He is lovely, caring, so easy to get along with and let's not forget his looks and his muscles, what a bonus. We got out of the car and met Sara inside. We sat down on his sofa and as Zak was getting some wine from his cellar Sara whispered to me, "So what took you two so long to get here? Snogging were you?" She chuckled, "No, in fact we were getting to know each other, I told him the sum up of my life, and he told me some stuff about him, like the time he got cheated on, that's pretty much it" she raised her eye brow up at me, and I knew exactly what she was going to say "SO!! What do you think of him?" , "Sara you can't try and set us up!! It would never work out" , "And why wouldn't it!?" , "One, the age difference, Two, he's pretty much famous and I'm a no one, everyone would be pissed off and his viewings would go down and three he isn't looking for anyone" , "You are wrong!!! He is looking for someone and he knows who he would like, he is just very good at hiding it" , "Hey girls, I've got two bottles here which would you prefer?!"

Hours flew past and it was soon 2Am, I was next to Zak falling asleep on him. "Hey let me go get some blankets, and we can whack a movie on and we can all cuddle up together, whatcha say?" Zak said whilst getting up, "Sounds like a plan.... But I'm cuddling next to you Zak" I hate it when I'm drunk, I'm come out with stupid things, but hey at parties, I am the wild and fun one haha!

Zak's living room was massive when you walked in you had a massive 50" screen TV, a massive L shape sofa in front of it. You also had a pool table behind the sofa and two double doors that opened out to the back garden, it was beautiful. He lived in a mansion, if you couldn't of guessed already.

As soon as Zak went upstairs to get the blankets and everything Sara turned to me and said "You two seem to be friendly" she smiled, "We got to know each other in the car, was very nice. I feel like I love him......" Sara starred at me Andy immediately regretted what I said, "You what!?" She yelped, "You think you love him?" , "Yes, I mean, he makes me smile, I get butterflies when I speak to him and I think he is very attractive" I started to blush and as we heard him walking down the stairs we both started giggling.

"What you two giggling at?" He asked as he walked through the living room doors, "Oh nothing interesting" I said giggling.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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