Chapter 2: The Mystery Relative

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So all I know about this "famous relative" that Sara has is that it is her cousin. That's all I know. Like hello, I'm her best friend, am I not, pretty sure I am supposed to know her whole life story and everything.

As I am lying in bed I can't stop thinking about her phone call she had in the car on the way to lunch, "if you book the tickets" what!? Tickets for what? What are we gonna do? See a movie? Oohhhh I hope it's the new horror out, wait, what was it called again? Silent Mountain?? ..... No that's not right, Silent Hill that's the one. That looks real good. Or it could be mini golf or crazy golf, not to toot my own horn but..... I'm pretty good at that. "Crystal, are you still awake?" A quite voice said as my door creaked open slowly, "depends on who is asking" I chuckled back, "make sure to go to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow" Sara smiled and shut my door. Big day? Sounds like my mum if I was getting married.


I jumped out of bed, and turned my alarm off, I went downstairs as I could smell pancakes, mmmmm, my favourite thing to have for breakfast. "thought I would make your favourite, pancakes and syrup for breakfast" Sara smiled as she tosses the pancake in the air and caught it in the frying pan, "I do have the best, best friend in the entire world" , "I do feel like sometimes I could be your boyfriend, like your other half, because we are so close" Sara chuckled as she brought over my pancakes and sat down next to me.

"You excited to meet him then?" , "you make it sound like I am going on a blind date" I stared at her whilst chewing my pancake, "you could call it a date, with me supervising you two, and keeping you calm" She chuckled and picked up her phone, she was texting but obviously she kept it secrete like EVERYTHING else.

"Sara" I said in the quietest voice I possible could "I'm scared to meet this boy" , "why Hun? He is my cousin, everything will be fine. I promise. I would never let anything bad happen to you now would I?" "No" I said looking down at my plate, she grabbed my arm lightly, "trust me, you'll love him, just give him a shot alright" the tone of her voice was really relaxing and soothing.

I got up and rushed up the stairs to get ready, I decided to wear a dress and some sandals. I done some nice natural make-up just to make my face look a bit more alive and I then straightened and out my hair up into a pony tail. I then grabbed my bag got all the bits I needed and met Sara downstairs. "Ready?" She asked in a pumped up tone "Ready as I'll ever be I guess" I said whilst gripping my teeth.

I had butterflies in my stomach as the car started to move and drive down the road. I still didn't know where I was going, or where I was being taken. It was safe to say that I was scared right now.

We pulled up in a car park and it was in like a shopping centre almost but instead of shops it was things like food places, cinema, mini golf places, there was also a bowling place and an arcade. "Here we are Cryst, you ready?" Sara sighed and looked at me whilst placing her hand on my knee. "I have never been so scared in my life hun and I don't know why I am, but I guess I am ready" I took a deep breath and got out of the car and we linked arms and walked towards the cinema. Sara's phone went off and she texted back, I think she was texting the mystery relative that I was going to be meeting, saying that we were here, but I dunno.

We stood by the fountain thing it was so cool, it had fishes on it and in the middle was a mermaid, which looked like Ariel, and she was holiday a jug sort of thing and it was pouring out water. It was so cool! "He's coming!" Sara sounded so excited, but my butterflies kept getting worse. I decided to sit on the edge of the water fountain just to prevent me fainting like, it was so bright inside the "mall" it was really hard to see. Sara ran off and screamed "HEY!!!", I was putting my hands up above my eyes to help me see, squinting my eyes but nothing was working. "Hey you must be Crystal, I'm Zak it's a pleasure to meet you" a dark, soft tone voice said in the light, he stepped forward and I couldn't believe my eyes. I kept looking back and forth between Zak and Sara, this is not the Zak Bagans standing in front of me, it couldn't be.

"See if I told you Zak was my cousin, you would think I am totally bonkers" Sara chuckled as she came beside me and smiled. "Yes i would have, and hey nice to meet you, I'm a big fan... Cryst, don't freak out breathe, don't be embarrassing" I covered my face with my hands I was so embarrassed and Zak just chuckled.

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