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Alessia's pov

Soon, the party was over, I was now saying goodbye to everyone. "Bye Mrs. Black good seeing you tonight!" Cole's dad exclaims hugging me, I smile "good seeing you too" he gives me a small smile and walks away.

Then I look over seeing Mario talking to my assistant, Julie. A pang of jealousy hit me like a truck. Wait why am I jealous? He's an asshole.

I roll my eyes and turn away, digging through my Givenchy purse trying to find my phone. I pull it out trying to be productive.

I look up and see Mario looking at me with his hands ruffled in his suit pockets. "Can we talk for a second?" He asks. What is there to talk about? I roll my eyes "there isn't nothing to talk about" I huff, he takes in a long sigh "Alessia seriously, please" he begs, he takes his hands out of his pockets and I watch him "okay you only five minutes" he nods

"I miss you" he's in honestly of sadness "pf, whatever you only miss me because I'm with Cole, and I'm happy with him" I snap, why is he now telling me this? "I mean your the one that filed the divorce papers" I purse my lips "how many times do you have to say that? I know what I did and I regret doing it" he tells me

Wait he regrets getting divorced? After four years decides to tell me this, unbelievable. I shake my head "you look beautiful tonight" he complements, scanning my body.

I glare at humans scoff "your words are nothing to me" I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest.

I see Cole walking towards us "ready to go home" he raises his eyebrows and putting his arms around my waist, Mario rolls his eyes like a child. I nod "Nice seeing you Mario" was the last thing I said before walking off.

Our alarm goes off "6:15" work starts at 7:15. I groan and sit up, with Cole next to me. "Good morning gorgeous" he smiles and I hit with a pillow laughing "what was that for?" He question smiling, I shrug my shoulders.

I shuffle through my clothes in the closet, since its professional state of the company I wear heels, pencil skirt, blazer over my flowy top. I'll just curl my hair, nothing too special.

Then last night popped up, Mario. Thinking of him makes me groan because now he works with us. I have to see him everyday in the office.

I get early before Cole does, so I hop into my Mercedes waiting for a few minutes to the air to come on. Every morning I always play my music, I blast my music and cruise down the roads.

"Good morning Mrs. Black" Julie says, the thought of her and Mario disgusted me. Wait what? Why do I feel that way? I don't like Mario.

I stop at my tracks greeting Mario on his phone in the lobby. I guess he heard me due to my heels clicking on the marbled floor. I unlock my door to my office and set my purse and papers on my desk and Mario peeks his head in. I turn around "what do you want?" I hiss, but try to okay my cool "damn you just got here and you already getting into a pissy mood" he rolls his eyes and sits down in front of my desk.

Looking at the picture placed on my desk and Cole and I. He rolls his eyes and makes faces at them. "Cole will be here in a hour" I say he nods.

He stares at me "what!" I snap, woah I need to calm down. He chuckles "nothing it's just, you've changed"

"Changed?" I furrow my eyes brows putting my pen down and leaning back into my chair

"Like a good change, but sexier" he smirks. He can't be serious right now, I scoff and roll my eyes. "If you're going to be doing this here to me do it to someone else, I'm not up for it"

"Oh yeah, your assistant, Julie" he says turning around and looking at her working at the front desk. "She's an easy fuck, but not my type" he leans back into the seat. I gasp "you're unbelievable" I shake my head

Then my phone buzzes, incoming a call from Cole. I swipe to answer "hey babe... yeah he's right here... okay... see you soon.. love you too"

"What was that about?" Mario butts in "Cole is coming up right now, his office is across from mine, so you can wait in there" I point to Cole's office and he gets up and nods.

He leaves and I take a deep breath "I guess I have to get used to this" I mumble, continuing to work. Long ass day ahead.

Excited for this book to get further!! I'll try to update soon as I can, I have school on Monday. Aka hell.

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