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Alessia's pov
"Mario" I breathe in closing my eyes, I can automatically know he's smirking. I push him off of me glaring "why would you try to do something like this?" I say starring at him, he shrugs and looks at my robe "why were you wearing a robe?" He smirks trying to take it off of me "Mario! Stop" I screeched and pushing his hands away.

He's stronger than I am and pushes me up against the wall, once again. I look away from him and he takes off my robe, letting it fall onto the tile floor. He steps back and examines my body biting his lip "damn"

I roll my eyes and snatching the robe off the floor "I think you should go" I whisper, all I can think about is how I'm basically cheating on Cole.

"Why?" He questions, stepping back and leans on the table crossing his arms over his chest look at me with his eyebrows raised "I have a boyfriend, that I love and you're trying to do stuff and it's just not right" I sigh, he rolls his eyes "you also loved me" he says "I did, now I've moved on and you should move on, that's what we wanted for the both us, to be genuinely happy" I explain "Alessia" he breathes

"I love you and I miss you so much still, all I can ever think about is you all the time, it hurts so much to see someone else making you laugh and smile every step of the way, it's like I've never made you feel that way like Cole does to you. Once I saw you at that business party all those feelings came back like when we first met. I fucked everything up between us and accusing you of doing things when you truly didn't do that stuff. If it wasn't for me we'd still be together, with our own family by now" he stops and a small laugh comes out, his eyes start to water.

"And- And you're right, I should move on because you've found someone that makes you happy and I can't do nothing about it" he stands up and I stand up concerned "I'm so sorry Alessia" Mario cries, I start to tear up

I grab him and push his lips against mine. Maybe I still love Mario. He pulls away and steps back "you've shouldn't have done that" he looks away wiping his tears "but I wanted to" I add looking up at him and grabbing his hand

"No don't treat Cole like that, you love him and he loves you"

"But what if I still love you?" I question tearing up once again "what?" He looks at me, I bite the side of my cheek "I still love you Mario, and I know I shouldn't, but you're right when we first saw each other all those old feelings came back to me" I explain

I can't believe I still love Mario

Alessia still loves Mario?!

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