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"Take her to the back, Josh stay with her and make sure she doesn't pull any stunts to escape" Mario says pointing to a quite tall boy with dark brown hair "LET ME FUCKING GO" I scream trying to get out of his grip

"princess keep screaming and I'll make your day even worse" he smirks and pushes me in the car. I have no idea what the hell is going on. How would Mario do this? Am I dreaming, is this all just a dream?

I left Cole for to be with Mario and I'm in this situation, I begin to cry. I lean back and stare out the tinted windows.

Is Mario in some kind of business? Hell I don't know. I look at the man in the creepy mask "where are we going" I question "don't worry about it" he remarks

"I just asked a fucking question you could at least tell me where y'all are taking me I mean I did basically got kidnapped for crying out loud" I spit

"The Selman Incorporations" is all he says "what the hell is that?"

"Drugs, sex, alcohol, things like that" he smirks, is he being fucking serious.

"Cut the shit, what's the real reason why y'all took me" I hiss "your dad has something of ours, we use you to get it back and you're free to go" he added

"and what's the something of yours that my dad has?" I ask looking into the mirror



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