One Shot {1}

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"Mei! You're going to end up hurting yourself!" Asano sighed, looking up at Mei as she continued to climb the tree, giggling as she did.

"Calm down, Asano, I'll be fine!" She assured, waving her hand momentarily as if brushing the topic off. She looked down quickly to see where her feet were and where she could place them next on her exciting climb.

Asano groaned, watching as she gradually got higher. Eventually, she reached the branch she was aiming for, her legs swinging in the breeze as she sat there happily, humming.

Her smile was replaced with a frown as she realised she didn't quite know how she was going to get down. Slowly, she lowered herself onto the next branch down, careful with her footing. Determination was written all over her face as she continued her way down.

"Look, Asano! I'm almost down!" She laughed, however her laughs turned into a squeal as her foot slipped and she was sent hurling down the ground. Asano swore under his breath, running forward and catching her in his arms. 

"What did I say?" He rose an eyebrow as the girl giggled, pulling a leaf out of her hair.

"And I'm fine, thanks to my knight in shining armour over here." She smirked, kissing him quickly. Asano blushed, looking away shyly.

"Y-Yeah, whatever. Just be careful next time." He mumbled, kissing her cheek, however Mei moved just in time and the kiss was planted on her lips instead.


Have a short little one shot to make up for your feels (: ain't I a good author?

Saranghae, my beautiful followers x

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