Admiration taken too far

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I closed the door behind me and I turned around to only be stricken by how astonishing his office was. I immediately take notice of the astonishing white color chosen for the furniture. To the left there is almost a living room like set up, while to the right I take notice of a business table set up in the manner of a conference room, and to the far corner I see a bathroom entrance. The walls or shall I say full blown windows showed the beautiful skyline of Manhattan, New York. I could only admire the simplicity of it and how peaceful it looked, yet so ironic in its own sense. The last thing I took notice of was the executive office desk straight ahead. The office desk looked so bold, strong, immaculate, simply made for someone with power.

It was at that moment I had noticed I had dozed off once again.

"Just 'gona stand there all day?" He stated. I couldn't quite hear him well, since he was so far so I decided to walk up a bit.

"Oh yeah, I'm um sorr-"

"Don't apologize, get over here and take a seat and let's get this interview over with. I've got other important things to do, rather then sit here and watch you admire my office all day Ms. Monroe." He barked.

I jumped a little at how harsh his voice sounded but I'm glad he didn't seem to notice. I felt a pang of hurt in my heart in regards to those hurtful words he just threw at me. I tried to shake it off but I don't know why I felt hurt at his words. I begin to see that he still has not raised his head to look at me or even to acknowledge me. He kept his head lowered to the computer and profusely typing on the keyboards, as if sending an angry letter to someone.

As I begin to walk closer, I come into view with his physical appearance. I start to notice his broad and muscular shoulders popping out of his immaculate three piece suit that looks just as expensive as this building. I can tell he has strong hands just by the way they flex, and I absolutely can see how fitting this executive office desk suits him, because he's so,  soo-

"Today Ms. Monroe, I do not have all day." He said, a little harsher than before. Still not bothering to look at me.

"Yes, sorry. Mr. Anderson." I quickly hurry to get into one of the chairs he has facing towards his desk and try to compose myself.

"Relax Amy, don't let him get to you. Show him that you're strong and you can take as many hits as he throws your way." I mentally repeat this a couple of times over in my head before I feel as though it's sunk deep into my head.

By this time, I've taken notice that he still has not raised his head from his computer, to even acknowledge my presence.

Just as I am about to casually, cough as if to remind him that I am here, he begins to talk. 

"Alright then, let's begin. This interview will be quite short actually, just a few questions for my reference and then you can be on your way.
Now, can you perform the duties of a secretary?" He asks, rather urgently. While once again still not raising his head to look at me.

"Yes. I ca-" I begin to say before being cut off by him.

"Good. Now, can you perform the duties of handling certain phone calls to private investors, charity event coordinators, and also to giant organizations, real estate companies and etc of some sort?" He asked.

"Yes. Will that be-" Once again before I could finish my question he interrupts me again. I am starting to get rather irritated, but decide on keeping my mouth shut.

"Good to know. Can you work later than the normal hours from eight to four? Also, including some weekends? If asked to?" He asked.

I decided on simply answering in monotone since he clearly won't let me speak.

"Yes." I stated.

"Alright. Now I looked over your resume, and you might seem fit for the position. Although, you working at an electronic store does not seem to impress me, but besides that your resume seems-- it seems do-able. That seems to be about it, do you have any questions for me?" He asks.

I sit there waiting for this to be a prank from someone, or the tv camera crew to pop out saying "you've been punked." But it does not seem to happen, and I slowly come to the realization that this really happened. I am utterly shocked at the fact that this man has yet to look me in my face, show me at least the decent respect of professionalism, blatantly cuts me off , and also offends my previous choice of workforce. My blood is boiling right now and before I could calm myself down I answer with:

"Are you 'gona sit there and be on your computer all day or are you going to actually look at me" I stated, rather harsh and rather firm.

Once I immediately realized what I said, my eyes enlarged within seconds, realizing what I had just done.

But you know what, I didn't care. At that moment I didn't care, because up until that point he hadn't even looked at me, acknowledged me, or even spoke to me in a decent tone.

He slowly, stopped typing on the computer. He began lifting his face up to me, and once he fully adjusted his eyes on me, my heart stopped. I couldn't believe my eyes, his face was just so soo beautiful, stunning, immaculate, precise. I mean it should be illegal to look this good. I mean I know in Fifty Shades of Grey when Ana kept saying how beautiful he was I scoffed because I thought no guy can be that insanely hot and beautiful at the same time. Well guess who got proven wrong today, Me.

He stops typing.

Oh god. Oh god.
Keep calm Amy, keep your cool.

He looks up at me.

I'm stunned....

His eyes. My goodness, his face. His look. His mouth.

I am pinned to the chair, staring at that man like there is no tomorrow. He is utterly beautiful. I mean seriously it should be illegal to look that good, but he does.

His head is so perfect, I mean for me to even compliment the shape of his head sounds stupid yet here I am admiring it. His eyes, my gosh his piercing blue ocean eyes, you could see the coldness in his eyes, yet you could see a hint of kindness in them. Just a little, but its there. His eyebrows are nicely thick, but just enough to see how clean cut he is, and how well he takes care of himself. His jawline is wonderfully eccentric. And then his lips, are just SO perfectly shaped, not too big not too small but simply perfect. Just utter perfection. Like him.

He stared at me with such emotion, and while I was staring at him, or correction admiring his face I simply had forgetten that just two seconds ago I stated some rather harsh words towards a potential boss, or shall I say could've been potential boss. I am soo not getting this job after what I said to him.

This entire time I had realized only a few seconds had passed by. So I have to came to a conclusion. I decided on not to go through the embarrassment of having to be told that I did not get the job because of my smart remark, so I have decided to simply walk away and save myself from the embarrassment.

It all happened in slow motion, where I saw him begin to open up his mouth as if to say something. But before he could speak I decided on not hearing what he had to say, and I found myself standing up. I hurriedly stood up, and quickly walked to the door. I didn't even take the chance to look back, instead I headed straight for the elevator doors.

I walk with no intention of being stopped by anyone especially not by that rude man; Mr. Anderson. I walk in such a hurry to get out of this place that I do not hear anything or anyone. As I'm hurriedly, walking to the elevator the doors open up just in time and I can't help but to send a silent thanks to the big man upstairs. I get inside the cart and simply press the lobby button and lean back on to the cool stainless steel railing and I let out a breath that I didn't know I was even holding.

Before I know it, the elevator dings and the doors open. I rush out the door and once the outside air hits me I bend over holding on to my stomach taking in deep breaths as if I had just surfaced from being underwater.

After gathering my thoughts, I crossed the street towards the bus stop. I sit down on the bench and wait for the bus to come and I begin to think about what just happened...

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