Excuses, Excuses

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Amy's POV:

The day seemed to take an eternity to end but none the less the end of the day arrived.

After finally packing away everything into my bag, I hadn't noticed Mikayla standing behind me.

"All set?" She questions beaming.

Of course, I truly did forget that I was staying with her.

She's such an angel.

As we begin to walk towards the elevator she has some sort of epiphany that causes me to almost fall when she tried to stop me.

"I can't believe I forgot to tell you that I spoke with the landlord and he says he found you an apartment that's open. But there is a downside to it." She says while looking at me sheepishly.

As we head into the elevator I nod my head initiating that I want her to go on with the bad news.

"Well because he found one available under such short notice it comes with two rooms?" She finishes, while questioning my answer to come.

I contemplate this and just as I open my mouth to answer she cuts me off.

"But don't worry he says he won't charge you for the extra room and he'll give you two months until you have to start paying rent." She continues informing me as we get off the elevator. "But the most important piece of information is that you'll be living just one floor above me. Isn't that the greatest news ever!!" She squeals a bit too loudly while unlocking her car door.

I stare at her in shock not because she's almost blown out my eardrum but because she was able to get me an apartment under such short notice.

"What" She looks at me wondering if she said the wrong thing.

"I just can't believe you've done all of this for me. I really do appreciate it." I say to her while admiring the genuine friend, I've clearly gained.

She pauses to give me a smile and I give her one back.

"Okay enough sappiness for one day." She snaps out of the sentimental moment to get inside her car and tell me that she has plans for tonight.

I nod my head as I begin to put on my seat belt and when I turn my head to see what's taking her so long to start the car and drive, I notice she's looking at me.

"What?" I question a bit startled.

She shows off a wide grin.

"So what are you wearing?" She looks at me patiently awaiting for an answer.

I'm a bit lost by this question.

"For?" I question.

Her jaw drops and she immediately closes her mouth to answer me.

"Hello! We're going out tonight to one of the hottest clubs in town. Were you not listening to anything Violet and I were discussing about in the conference room?" She questions me while chuckling, as she pulls out of the parking spot.

I laugh at her like she sort of sprouted two new heads out of no where.

"Yeah that's not happening. I have a lot to do. Mikayla like plan on how to get the rest of my things, along with moving in, where to get furnit-"

"Oh come on those are all just excuses! The rest of your things we can pack them into my car, the same with moving we'll make sure everything you own is in there plus we'll get the landlord to help us move in, and for furniture don't worry I will hook you up with my place from where I got mine from." She says while keeping her eyes on the road and trying to hide the obvious excitement in her tone.

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