"Chicago the Windy City"- If only

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The ride home was fairly quick, considering how long it takes me to get home. Then again, it was probably because all I kept thinking about was my interview with Mr. Anderson. If I can even call it an interview more like a prank on a show you may say.

He's probably used to better, or shall I say more qualified women to work him.

Whatever, soon after I graduate, I'll be more qualified to work for any enterprise and I won't have to deal with what I dealt with today.

Once home, I decide to undress and get comfortable into sweats a t-shirt and my oversized hoodie that my brother gave to me from the time he visited Chicago. The hoodie states "Chicago the Windy City".

Once settling into my bed I decide to read one of the books that I noticed on my bedside table. The book is called The Shining by Stephen King. Although after about 20 pages into the book I can't seem to get my mind off the fact that I will be returning back to waitressing. I become deeply saddened by this realization and decide to close the book and place it back where it was. I sink even deeper into the covers and decide to stare up at the ceiling just wondering of what my day will consist of tomorrow. Before I realize what's happening I find my eyes drooping lowly while, and I find myself forcing my eyes to stay awake. Eventually they betray me and I let sleep engulf me like there is no tomorrow.

"Amy! AMY!!! Wake up!!!"

"Seriously Amy!! Come on wake up I have to tell you something!!!" Mia nearly half yelled throughout my ears.

I groan out loud to make sure she hears me, and how I am upset at how she has woken me up from my sleep.

"Oh hush up! You can go back to sleep later. After I tell you what I have to tell you!!! So come on get up!" She nearly shrieked at the last word.

"Ok seriously Mia, what is so important that you couldn't have waited for me to wake up, at MY OWN TIME???" I stared at her with evil eyes.

She simply looked at me and laughed and decided to walk away without telling me one last time to get up.

I do so, but not without internally groaning one last time.

I decide to get up and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to fix my hair a little since it looks like a bird's nest.

Once being done with brushing my teeth I head towards the kitchen and decide to hop on the island as I stare at her while she's getting a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Okay, Mia come on. Spill it. I would like to go back to bed as soon as possible. Which I don't understand the need for you to make me get up and out of my bed to tell me something that you probably could have told me while I was in my bed."

"Yes, I could've told you while you were in bed but I didn't because I ordered us some food." She said, looking rather excited.

"Wait why did you order food you know we rarely order food unless we have the money for it?" I stated rather worried she's spending too much money right now.

"Relax, this calls for a celebration. Plus I forgot to tell you this but I actually found forty dollars on the ground yesterday!!? Crazy right!!!" She rather yelled.

"Are you kidding me Mia." As I stated those words with rather annoyance I hop off the counter and begin to walk back to my room.
"You really could have told me that while in bed. Congrats on finding money but um call me when the food is ready. Not when it's on the way Mia!! When it's actually here!" I said.

"No wait Amy calm down that's not what I have to tell you. I got a promotion today, and I wanted to celebrate you know!" She rushed out the words as if to keep me halted.

"No way!!! Seriously?!!! Congratulations Mia I am so excited and happy for you!!! This is great news!! And we sure need great news around here." I stated.

"Yes, I am serious. Thank you. I'm excited too!!But enough about me I also have something else to tell you!!!" She began to smile very happily.

"Wait noo ( I whined) of course this is about you. You've been hoping for this promotion for a long time, and I'm really proud of you of course we get to discuss it. We're not going to just dismiss it like any other news. This is great!! " I said.

"Yes, of course Amy it is wonderful news but there is not much to talk about, since we've discussed over and over again before." She laughs, and continues with: "Of course we both know what I will be doing. What I am also trying to tell you, if you let me talk is that today when I came in I noticed you were in your room sleeping. I was going to wake you to tell you the news but decided on waiting until later. I began cleaning up around the apartment since I had nothing better to do, other than pass the time. Once I finished, I was on my way out the door to go pick up a few things at the grocery store, when the phone rang. I was confused because no one ever calls us to the land line we only use that phone number when we give it jobs, until I put two and two together. I figured it was for you so I rushed to answer it and some lady on the line asked for you but I told her you were indisposed at the moment, so she told me to have you call her back immediately upon hearing this message, and so that's why I woke you up!! She sounded urgent she wouldn't tell me her response through the phone but honestly I think you got the job!!!" She screamed rather loudly.

"Um no. Probably not." I stated with a hint of anger in my voice.

"Whoa chill out. Ohhh wait what happened you have to fill me in on what went down today" she said too happily.

"Ughh fine but you wont like it" I said.

I got comfortable where I was at and began to dive into the story, honestly it felt good telling Mia about it, I haven't even gotten to the best part yet and her jaw has dropped twice already. I can't wait to see her face at the end.

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